Sr. No. : 250078
Registration No. : 911029070516 76327whatsappimage20240704at14.27.52.jpeg
Student's Name : Rishav Kumar
Mother's Name : Kanti Devi
Father's Name : Shyam Chauhan
Course Name : Diploma In Fire & Industrial Safety Management ( DFISM )
Course Duration : 12 Months
Study Centre Name : Softech Computer Academy
Centre Code & Address : 91102907 & Maharajganj, Siwan, Bihar
Exam Full Marks Pass Marks Marks Obtained
Safety Management, Fire Prevention 200 80 170
Industrial Safety 200 80 169
Construction Safety 200 80 179
First Aid and Disaster Management 200 80 160
Building Design & Fire Protection 200 80 176
Leadership & Safety Communication 200 80 180
Computer, Internet Concept 100 40 90
Practical and Viva 200 80 189
Total 1500 600 1313
Overall Percentage : 87.53 % *Grade : A

*Grade : A B C D Failure
Mark Range : (85 to 100%) (70 to 84%) (55 to 69%) (42 to 54%) (Below 40%)
Date of Issue : 22-May-2024