Sr. No. : 2303368
Registration No. : 911028010968 66681whatsappimage20240708at10.36.47am.jpeg
Student's Name : Sandeep Kumar
Mother's Name : Suganti Devi
Father's Name : Suresh Kumar Singh
Course Name : Diploma in Electrician ( DELE )
Course Duration : 12 Months
Study Centre Name : Hitech Computer Education
Centre Code & Address : 91102801 & Mirganj, Gopalganj, Bihar
Exam Full Marks Pass Marks Marks Obtained
Engg. Drawing 100 40 87
Social Studies 50 20 43
Practical 200 80 184
Theory 100 40 85
Viva 50 20 41
Total 500 200 440
Overall Percentage : 88.00 % *Grade : A

*Grade : A B C D Failure
Mark Range : (85 to 100%) (70 to 84%) (55 to 69%) (42 to 54%) (Below 40%)
Date of Issue : 09-Mar-2023