Save (Ctrl + S, Shift + F12):- It is used to save your active file.

Save As (F12): -It is used to create duplicate file with current active file.

Open (Ctrl + O, Ctrl + F12): -It is used to open an existing file.

Close (Ctrl + W, Ctrl + F4): -It is used to close your active file.

New (Ctrl + N):- It is used to create a new blank document.

Print (Ctrl + P): -It is used to print the document on the paper.

Exit (Alt + F4):- It is used to close your MS-Word application.


Options: -It is used to set the configurations of MS-Word. There are many word options:

General: -It is used to set the application window color and also hide / unhide the mini toolbar.


ü Click on file tab

ü Click on options

ü Click on general

ü Click on color scheme and select the color

ü Uncheck the show mini toolbar on selection

ü Click on ok

Display: - It is used to set the tab setting, space setting etc.


ü Click on file tab

ü Click on options

ü Click on display

ü Check the tab characters, spaces etc.

ü Click on ok

Proofing: - It is used to create the shortcut of any sentences and also configure some spelling and grammar changes.


ü Click on file tab

ü Click on options

ü Click on proofing

ü Click on auto corrects options

ü Click on replace box and type shortcut word

ü Click on with box and type your full word

ü Click on add button

ü Click on ok

Save: -It is used to change the location of your file saving.


ü Click on file tab

ü Click on options

ü Click on save

ü Click on default file location

ü Click on browse and select your location

ü Click on open

ü Click on ok

Advanced: -This features allow you to specify options for editing, copying, pasting etc


ü Click on file tab

ü Click on options

ü Click on advanced

ü Check use the insert key for the paste

ü Click on ok

Customize Ribbon: -It is used to create your own tab and changes some command group.


ü Click on file tab

ü Click on options

ü Click on customize ribbon

ü Click on new tab

ü Select your tab and rename it.

ü Add some command according to need

ü Click on ok