MS-Excel is a spreadsheet program that allows the user to arrange the data in rows and columns form where user can prepare any types of reports like exam report, fee report, employee record, etc. MS-Excel also has the ability to perform various types of calculation and convert the data into chart and graph. The most important feature of MS-Excel if you modify data value then formulated value will modify automatically. MS-Excel is powerful and useful application of MS-office.

                        MS-Excel files known as “Spreadsheet” or “Workbook” and the extension are “.XLSX”.

Features of MS-Excel:-    

v Powerful analysis of large amounts of data.

v It has several mathematical, financial, logical, etc. formulas.

v It has facility to organize the data in graphical form.

v Easy data sorting and filtering options.

v It is basically used for payroll, accounts, mathematical, and for other business purposes.

How to start MS-Excel: -

            StartàAll ProgramsàMicrosoft OfficeàMicrosoft Excel 2010

            Windows Button + R - RunàType “ExcelӈOk

There are following parts of MS-Excel: -

v Name Box: -It is used to display the cell address of selected cell.

v Formula Bar: -It is used to display the contents of selected cell.

v Column Header: -It indicates the column header. The total no column is 16384. It starts with “A” and end with “XFD”. You can go to last column press ctrl + left arrow and go to first column press ctrl + right arrow.

v Row Header: -It indicates the row heading. The total no. of rows is “1048576”. It starts with “1” and end with “1048576”. You can go to last row press ctrl + down arrow and go to first rows press ctrl + up arrow.

v Cell: -Cell is combination of rows and columns. The total numbers of cells in a sheet are “17179869184”.

v Worksheet: -It is a working area of MS-Excel which is divided in the form of rows and columns. By default MS-Excel provides “3” worksheet but user can add worksheet in about 20 thousand to above. The shortcut of inserting worksheet is (Shift + F11).

MS-Excel provides two windows: -

v Application Windows: -An outer window through which user communication with MS-Excel is called application window.

v Spreadsheet or Workbook: -In inner windows in which user enter the data in rows and columns is called spreadsheet window.

Data types: -In MS-Excel user can input four types of data: -

ü Numeric (0 to 9)

ü Character (A to Z)

ü Formula (Sum, Average, Minimum etc)

ü Logical Formula (If, Sumif, Countif)

To edit the cell contents

ü Select cell and press F2 function key

ü Double click on selected cell

ü Modify from formula bar