Left: -It returns specified no of character from the left of a text string.


                                    Syntax: -       =Left(“string”, No. of character)

                                    Ex: -               =Left(“Computer”, 5)

                                    Result: -        Compu


Right:-It returns specified no of character from the right of a text string.


                                    Syntax: -       =Right(“string”, No. of character)

                                    Ex: -               =Right(“Computer”, 5)

                                    Result: -        Puter


Mid: -It returns specified no of character from the middle of a text string, given a starting position and length.

                                    Syntax: -       =mid(“String”, Start, Position no of character)

                                    Ex: -               =mid(“Computer”, 4, 3)

                                    Result: -        Put


Len: -It returns the length of a text string.


                                    Syntax: -       =Len(“String”)

                                    Ex: -               =Len(“Computer World”)

                                    Result: -        14


Proper: -It converts the first letter of each word in a text string to upper case.


                                    Syntax: -       =Proper(“String”)

                                    Ex: -               =Proper(“computer world”)

                                    Result: -        Computer World


Rept: -It is used repeat the given string a specified no. of times.

                                    Syntax: -       =Rept(“String”, No. of times)

                                    Ex: -               =Rept(“Quantum”, 5)

                                    Result: -        Quantum Quantum Quantum Quantum Quantum


Upper: -It converts all lower case letters in a text string to upper case.


                                    Syntax: -       =Upper(“String”)

                                    Ex: -               =Upper(“Computer”)

                                    Result: -        COMPUTER


Lower: -It converts all case letters in a text string to lower case.

                                    Syntax: -       =Lower(“String”)

                                    Ex: -               =Lower(“COMPUTER”)

                                    Result: -        computer