Now (): -It returns the date and time value.


                                    Syntax: -       =Now()

                                    Ex: -               =Now()


Datevalue: -This function converts a date in text to a date in serial number.


                                    Syntax: -       =Datevalue(“date”)

                                    Ex: -               =Datevalue(“04/11/2011”)


Day: -This function return the day of a date.


                                    Syntax: -       =Day(“date”)

                                    Ex: -               =Day(“04/11/2011”)


Month: -This function return the month of a date.


                                    Syntax:-        =Month(“date”)

                                    Ex: -               =Month(“04/11/2011”)


Year: -This function return the year of a date.


                                    Syntax: -       =Year(“date”)

                                    Ex: -               =Year(“04/11/2011”)


Weekday: -This function returns on integer from 1 to Sunday to 7 for Saturday.


                                    Syntax: -       =Weekday(“date”)

                                    Ex: -               =Weekday(“04/11/2011”)


Days360: -This function calculates the number of days between two dates.


                                    Syntax: -       =Days360(“date1”,”date2”)

                                    Ex: -               =Days360(“01/15/1990”,”04/11/2011”)