In MS-Access 2010 offers a wide range of customize option that allows you to make access work.
          There are many types of customize: -
Ø General
Ø Current Database
Ø Datasheet
Ø Object Designer
Ø Proofing
Ø Client Setting (2010)
Ø Customize Ribbon
Ø Quick Access Toolbar
General: -It is used to change the color of ribbon and change the location of file saving.
Process: -
Ø Click on File Menu
Ø Click on Options
Ø Click on General
Ø Click on color scheme and choose any color
Ø Click on default file location and click on browse button
Ø Select your location
Ø Click on open
Ø Again click on ok
Current Database: - It is used to change the title bar name show the search bar for navigation pane and select the single click / double click.
Process: -
Ø Click on File Menu
Ø Click on Options
Ø Click on current database
Ø Click on application title and enter your title
Ø Click on navigation option
Ø Check on single click / double click
Ø Click on ok
Ø Click on ok
Datasheet: -These features are used to change the default font size, underline, italic, cell effect, gridline etc.
Process: -
Ø Click on File Menu
Ø Click on Options
Ø Click on datasheet
Ø Define the condition as per need.
Ø Click on ok
Object Designer: - These feature are used to modifying database object in MS-Access including table.
Process: -
Ø Click on File Menu
Ø Click on Options
Ø Click on object designer
Ø Define the default text field size and data type
Ø Click on ok

Proofing: -This feature allows you to change automatically corrects formats the contents of the database.
Process: -
Ø Click on File Menu
Ø Click on Options
Ø Click on proofing
Ø Click on auto correct option
Ø Click on replace box and type short word
Ø Click on with box and type full word
Ø Click on add button
Ø Click on ok
Ø Click on ok

Client setting: -This feature allows changing the move the cursor in next field or next record.
Process: -
Ø Click on File Menu
Ø Click on Options
Ø Click on Client Setting
Ø Check next record / next field
Ø Click on ok

Customize Ribbon: -It is used to create a new the tab.
 Process: -
Ø Click on File Menu
Ø Click on Options
Ø Click on customize ribbon
Ø Click on new tab
Ø Enter your tab name
Ø Choose any command
Ø Click on add button
Ø Click on ok
 Quick Access Toolbar: -It is used to add command in quick access toolbar.
Process: -
Ø Click on File Menu
Ø Click on Options
Ø Click on quick access toolbar
Ø Select any command
Ø Click on add button

Ø Click on ok