Undo (Ctrl + Z): - It is used to one step back and forward.

Cut (Ctrl + X): -It is used to move the selected text one location to another location.

Copy (Ctrl + C): -It is used to create duplicate of selected text.

Paste (Ctrl + V):- It is used to insert cut or copy text from the position of cursor point.

Clear: - It is used to delete the selected text.

Select All (Ctrl + A): - It is used to select the entire page.

Deselect All (Ctrl + Shift + A): - It is used to remove the selected of the entire page.

Paste multiple: - This command lets you to make duplicate an object within a publication either by coping and pasting it using drag and drop or by using the more powerful multiple paste features.


Ø Draw any object (like line or anyone)

Ø Copy that line or object.

Ø Click on edit menu.

Ø Click on “paste multiple” command.

Ø Now set the pasting properties (how many objects you want to paste and set the space between tow object in this dialog box)

Ø Click on ok button.

Paste Special: - It is used to insert cut or copy data.

Insert object: - This option is use to insert an object from another application into the current publication or PageMaker which is not available in PageMaker.


Ø Click on edit menu.

Ø Click on insert object.

Ø Choose anyone application such as bitmap.

Ø Click on ok button.

Ø Now draw any picture.

Ø Finally close the Ms-paint.

Ø Click on the save button.

Edit story: - When you choose this command you switch to the story view and you can see only on story at a time.


Ø Click on edit menu.

Ø Click on edit story command or press ctrl + E from keyboard.

Ø Type some text.

Ø Press Ctrl + E.

Ø Now drag your mouse