Fill: -This option lets you Fill a pattern (specially black or white color) when drawing a rectangle, ellipse, or polygon. A fill pattern can also be applied to a selected box or oval after drawing.


Ø From the Element menu choose fill option then choose any patterns as you need

Ø Now draw anyone object

Stroke: - This option is specify the line width, line style and pattern for the rectangle, ellipse, or polygon tool. You can specify other line weights in one-tenth of point increments, up to 800 points.


Ø From the element menu choose stroke and any width, any style of line or pattern.

Ø Then drag any style of object.

Fill and stroke (Ctrl + U): -This option is used to set the fill and stroke attributes for a selected object.


Ø Draw any object like rectangle box.

Ø Select that object.

Ø From the Element menu choose fill and stroke or Press Ctrl + U from keyboard then its dialog box will appear from key board.

Ø From this dialog box choose fill, stroke style and color opacity and other properties as you need.

Ø Click on ok button

Arrange: - This command is use to set the selected object in front, back etc. side of the stacking order.

Bring to front (Ctrl+ Shift +]): - This command is used to move the selected object to the front of all over lapping.


Ø Draw more than two objects and overlap it.

Ø Select an object which you want to move front.

Ø Click on the element menu Choose arrange then choose bring to front option or press Ctrl +Shift+ ] key from keyboard.

Bring forward (Ctrl +]): - This command is used to move the selected object to the front of any overlapping.


Ø Draw more than two objects and overlap it.

Ø Select an object which you want to move forward.

Ø Click on the element menu Choose arrange then choose bring forward option or press Ctrl +] key from keyboard.

Send Backward (Ctrl + [ ): - This command is used to move the selected object to the back of any object.


Ø Draw more than two objects and overlap it.

Ø Select an object which you want to move backward.

Ø Click on the element menu Choose arrange then choose send backward option or press Ctrl+ [Key from keyboard.

Send to back ( Ctrl + Shift + [ ): - This command is used to move the selected object to the back of all objects.


Ø Draw more than two objects and overlap it.

Ø Select an object which you want to move backward.

Ø Click on the element menu Choose arrange then choose send to back option or press Ctrl+ Shift + [ Key from keyboard.

Align object (Ctrl + Shift + E)

You can align objects in relation to each other and then distributes the space between the objects evenly.

To align and distribute objects:


Ø Draw more than four objects with different color

Ø Select the objects you want to align and distribute.

Ø Click on element menu.

Ø Click on align object option.

Ø Select anyone icon for each direction (horizontal or vertical)

Ø Click on ok button.

Texts wrap (Ctrl + Alt + E): - Let’s you determine how text flows when it encounters (near) a graphic object or this command lets you determine now text flow when it in counter a graphic object in three parts. It can cover the graphic object, wrap around the sides of a rectangle shapes or wrap around the sides of a regular shape.


Ø Type the long text.

Ø Insert any one photo (Ctrl +D).

Ø Click on the element menu.

Ø Click on text wrap command.

Ø Set the icons.

Ø Click on ok button.

Group (Ctrl + G): - This option combines two or more selected object in to a group.


Ø Draw more than two objects.

Ø Select the all object.

Ø Click on element menu.

Ø Click on group option or press ctrl + G.

Ungroup (Ctrl + Shift + G): - This command allows us to create separate objects from grouped object.


Ø First of all group the more than two objects.

Ø Click on element menu.

Ø Click on ungroup option or press ctrl + shift + G.

Lock (Ctrl + L) : - This command is used to lock the object or text in the same place that the text or object cannot move.


Ø Type the text or draw any object.

Ø Make active your required text or object which you want to lock.

Ø Go to the element menu and choose lock option or press Ctrl + L from keyboard.

Unlock (Ctrl + Alt + L): - Provides the change of does not affect the objects' size or position or this command is used to unlock the locked text, or object.


Ø Select the lock object.

Ø Click on the element menu.

Ø Click on lock position and.

Ø Click on the unlock command or press Ctrl + Alt + L)

Mask (Ctrl + 6): -Masking is a way of covering of an object so that only a portion of it appears through a shape drawn with rectangle ellipse or polygon tool.


Ø Click on file menu.

Ø Click on place command or press Ctrl + D from keyboard.

Ø Choose anyone picture which you like.

Ø Click on open button.

Ø Now drag your mouse.

Ø Draw anyone shape (don’t fill the color)

Ø Place that star shape on over the picture.

Ø Select that picture and auto shape at once.

Ø Press Ctrl + 6 from keyboard.

Unmask (Ctrl + Shift + 6): - This command lets you undo a mask by selecting the masking object or unmask the selected object.


Ø Select the mask object.

Ø Click on the element menu.

Ø Click on unmask option or press Ctrl + Shift + 6 from keyboard.

Polygon setting: - Let’s you change the shape of polygon. You can change the number of sides (up to 100) and the degree to which sides are set to from a star.


Ø Draw a polygon shape like a star shape.

Ø Select that shape.

Ø Click on the element menu.

Ø Click o polygon setting option.

Ø Set polygon number in this dialog box how many polygon corners you want to insert.

Ø Click on ok button.

Round corner: -Let’s you change the shape of rounded corner you can change the way of the selected rectangle box.


Ø Draw a rectangle box.

Ø Select the rectangle box.

Ø Click on the element menu.

Ø Click on round corner command.

Ø Choose any one round corner which you want to set round corner.

Ø Finally click on ok button.

Non printing: -This command is used to selected object as non-printing so that it does not print.


Ø Select that object that you don't want to print out.

Ø Click on element menu.

Ø Click on the non-printing command.