Bullet and Numbering: - This command is use to set the bullet and numbering to the selected text.


Ø Type your text with enter key.

Ø Select the text.

Ø Click on utilities menu.

Ø Choose plug-ins then click on bullet and numbering command.

Ø Now set the bullet and numbering if you want to change the bullet style then click over the edit button and choose bullets.

Ø Finally click on ok button.

Change case: - PageMaker provides different types of case attributes such as Normal, upper, lower case, Title case, Sentence case etc.


Ø Type the text.

Ø Select the text.

Ø Click on the utilities menu.

Ø Choose plug-ins then click on change case option.

Ø Now set anyone case

Ø Click on ok button.

Drop cap: - Formats a letter word or selected text with a large dropped capital letter.


Ø Type the text.

Ø Click on utilities menu.

Ø Choose plug-ins command.

Ø Click on the drop cap option.

Ø Set the any one option.

Ø Click on apply button.

Ø Finally click on ok button.

Key line: - You can create the border automatically by drawing a box around the object.


Ø Draw a rectangle box or circle

Ø Select it.

Ø Click on the utilities menu.

Ø Choose plug-ins command.

Ø Click on key line command.

Ø Type the distance you want to extend.

Ø Click on the attributes to open the fill and line dialog box.

Ø Then set fill and line attributes such as line, weight and fill color.

Ø Select a position for the key line in front of the object.

Ø Click on the ok button.

Word counter: - This command helps us to show the information of our active document such as lines, words, paragraph, letters, sentences etc.


Ø Type the text.

Ø Click on utilities menu.

Ø Choose plug-ins command.

Ø Click on word counter option.

Ø Click on ok button.

Define Colors: - It is used to create the new color with name.


Ø Click on Utilities Menu

Ø Click on Define Colors

Ø Click on new

Ø Enter Color Name

Ø Set the color

Ø Click on ok

Ø Click on ok