Note pad is a simple text editor program where user can create simple text and edit them. User can not format that document like: - Color, Inserting picture etc.

The extension of notepad is “.TXT” (Text).


How to start Notepad:-

StartàAll ProgramsàAccessoriesàNotepad

Start button+RàRunàType “Notepad”àOk


v Control box: - A small icon displayed at the left corner of the title-bar. It display move minimize, maximize, restore, and close the window is called control box

v Title bar: - The first line at the top of the screen is called title bar. It displays the active application and the name of the file.

v Minimize: - It is used to minimize the window in taskbar.

v Maximize: - It is used to full screen the previous size.

v Restore: - It is used to restore to it’s the previous size.

v Close: - It is used to close the notepad application.

v Menu bar: - It display the below of title bar. All the commands are available in menu bar.

v Scroll bar: - Generally all application has two scroll bars i.e. horizontally and vertically. Horizontal Scroll bar displays at the bottom and Vertical Scroll bar displays at the right side.


File Menu (Alt + F)

New: - (Ctrl + N):- It is used to create a new blank file.

Process: -

Ø Click on file menu

Ø Click on new.

Open: - (Ctrl + O):- It is used to open an existing file.

Process: -

Ø Click on file menu

Ø Click on opened

Ø Then a dialog box open

Ø Select your file

Ø Click on open

Save- (Ctrl + S):- It is used to save your current file.

Process: -

Ø Click on file menu.

Ø Click on save

Ø Then a dialog box open

Ø Enter your file name

Ø Click on save button

Save as: - It is used to create duplicate file of active file.

Process: -

Ø Click on file menu

Ø Click on save as

Ø Then a dialog box open

Ø Enter your file name

Ø Click on save button

Page Setup: - It is used set the margin of the page like paper size, margin etc.


Ø Click on file menu

Ø Click on page setup

Ø Then a dialog box open

Ø Define the condition as you need

Ø Click on ok

Print: - (Ctrl + P):- It is used to print the current files on the paper.

Process: -

Ø Click on file menu

Ø Click on print

Ø Then a dialog box open

Ø Define the condition

Ø Click on print

Exit: - (Alt+F4):- It is used to close the notepad program.

Process: -

Ø Click on file menu

Ø Click on exit

Edit Menu (Alt + E)

Undo: - (Ctrl + Z):- It is used to reverse one step back and forward.

Process: -

Ø Click on edit menu

Ø Click on undo

Cut: - (Ctrl + X):- It is used to move the selected text one location to another location.

Process: -

Ø Selected your text

Ø Click on edit menu

Ø Click on cut

Copy: - (Ctrl + C):- It is used to create duplicate of selected text.

Process: -

Ø Select your text

Ø Click on edit menu

Ø Click on copy

Paste: - (Ctrl + V):- It is used to insert cut or copy text.


Ø Click on edit menu.

Ø Click on paste.

Select all (Ctrl + A):- It is used to select the entire entire page.


Ø Click on edit menu.

Ø Click on select all.

Find (Ctrl + F):- It is used to find the particular word.


Ø Select your particular sentence which you want to find

Ø Click on edit menu.

Ø Click on find.

Ø Than a dialog box open,

Ø Click on “find what” box and type your particular word, which you want to find.

Ø Click on find next

Replace (Ctrl + H):- It is used to change the specific words or sentence.


Ø Select your sentence which you want to replace

Ø Click on replace

Ø Than a dialog box open.

Ø Click on “find what” box and type your word which you want to change.

Ø Click on “replace with” box and type new word.

Ø Click on replace / replace all

Go To (Ctrl + G):- It is used to jump on the specific line.


Ø Click on edit menu.

Ø Click on go to.

Ø Than a dialog box open

Ø Define the number of lines.

Ø Click on ok.

Time and Date (F5):- It is used to insert the date and time from the position of cursor point.


Ø Click on edit menu.

Ø Click on date and time.

Delete: - It is used to delete the selected text.


Ø Select your text which you have to delete.

Ø Click on edit menu.

Ø Click on delete.


Format Menu (Alt + O)

Word wrap: - It is used to makes all the text visible on the screen.


Ø Click on format menu.

Ø Click on word wrap.

Font: - It is used to change the font writing style, font size.


Ø Click on format menu.

Ø Click on font.

Ø Than a dialog box open,

Ø Select your font writing style and font size.

Ø Click on ok