First Generation (1942-1955): - The First generation computers used vacuum tubes in CPU Components. It is very large in size. Also vacuum tubes consumes more power and generates heat is modest due to this region some cooling mechanism where needed to cool the computer. Ex: ENIAC, UNIVAC


Second Generation (1955-1964): - The 2nd generation computer used transistors. Transistor is made from silicon. It is cheaper and smaller than vacuum tube.

                   The procession speed and storage capacity is very high as computer to 1st generation. Power supply is also got reduced. Ex: IBM 1401, CDC 3600


Third generation (1965-1975): - The 3rd generation computer used ICs (Integrated circuits) as CPU component. It is chip and small. The processing speed and storage capacity is high and power supply is very less than previous generation computer. Ex: IBM 360 Series


Fourth Generation (1975-Present): - The 4th generation computer used LSI (large scale Intergeneration) Procession speed. Strong capacity becomes high and faster than previous generation. Ex: Pentium series


Fifth generation (Present & beyond): - Fifth generation computing devices, based on artificial intelligence, are still in development, though there are some applications, such as voice recognition, that are being used today. Ex: Artificial Intelligence (AI), Robots