Anatomy of Computer: - Digital computer performs five major functions. These are: -







Inputting: - Refers to the process of Entering data into the computer by the user using an input device.


Storing: - Refers to the holding of data and instructions in the computer’s main memory for manipulations.


Processing: - Refers to performing operations (both arithmetic and logical) or manipulation of data entered into the computer so that useful information may be taken out of the entered data.


Outputting: - Refers to the processor of showing the information or result to the user either on screen (monitor) or on paper (through printer).


Controlling: - Refers to direction all the above processes, in co-ordination. This controlling is done by the control unit (CU) in a central processing unit.

Central processing unit: - It is the brain of any computer system. The major parts of CPU are as follows: -




ALU (Arithmetic Logic Unit): - It is an electronic chip that performs actual calculation like arithmetical and logical.

CU (Control Unit): - It is an electronic chip. It can be compared as the nervous system of human being. It controls all the instructions in the system unit.

MU (Memory Unit): - MU is small fast memory that provides storage to ALU.