OL (Ordered List): -The OL tag defines a sequentially numbered list of items. This tag contain a special tag LI (List Item).

There are many types of OL tag: -

<OL Type=“1”>   1, 2, 3, 4………

<OL Type=“i”>    i, ii, iii, iv……..

<OL Type=“I”>    I, II, III, IV ……

<OL Type=“A”>  A, B, C, D……..

<OL Type=“a”>   a, b, c, d……….


Syntax: -     <OL>






Ex: -           <OL Type=“1”>

<Li> Monitor

<Li> keyboard

<Li> Mouse

<Li> CPU


Result: -

1.     Monitor

2.     Keyboard

3.     Mouse

4.     CPU


Ex: -           <OL Type= “A”>

<Li> Monitor

<Li> keyboard

<Li> Mouse

<Li> CPU


Result: -

A.   Monitor

B.    Keyboard

C.    Mouse

D.   CPU


UL (Unordered List): - This tag is used to define a bulleted list of items. This tag contain a special tag LI (List Item).

There are many types of UL tag: -

<UL type = “Disk”>

<UL type = “Square”>

<UL type = “Circle”>


Ex: -           <UL Type= “Circle”>

<Li> Monitor

<Li> keyboard

<Li> Mouse

<Li> CPU


Result: -

o   Monitor

o   Keyboard

o   Mouse

o   CPU

Creating Definition List: -

DL (Definition List): - It is used to define the definition list.

DT (Define Topic): - It is used to define the definition topic.

DD (Define Definition): - It is used to define the definition.

Syntax: -     <DL>





Ex: -           <HTML>






<DT> Notepad

<DD> Notepad is a simple text editor

<DT> Word Pad

<DD> Word Pad is a word processor application.



Result: -      Notepad

Notepad is a simple text editor program…………………………

Word pad

Word pad is a word processor application……………………….