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Immense Institute of Technology & Management Pvt. Ltd. is an ISO 9001:2015 certified company which is recognized by United Accreditation Foundation (UAF) and registered under the Company Act 2013, Ministry of Company Affairs, and Government of India with Certificate identity number U74999DL2016PTC302872. The company has started its journey on 12th July 2016 with one franchisee.
Immense Institute of Technology & Management Pvt. Ltd. is a complete training institute which has a wide range of job-oriented courses. It keeps an aim of providing quality and eminent education to its students that enable to take up tomorrow’s challenges. It maintains technical education standards and provides placement assistance to its students.
Immense Institute of Technology & Management Pvt. Ltd. is a complete training institute which has a wide range of job-oriented courses. It keeps an aim of providing quality and eminent education to its students that enable to take up tomorrow’s challenges.
of Education Experience
of Management Education Experience of Director
Institution & Centers
Labs in various locations.
Computer Teacher Training Course