If several languages coalesce the grammar
3 min ago
It will seem like simplified English.
1 hours ago
As a skeptical Cambridge friend of mine occidental.
It is the security feature of ms-dos, which helps the user about protect his ms-dos files and after using this internal command we cannot open without enter true password.
Syntax:- c:/> copy con <file name with alt+combination of number>
Ex :- c:/> copy con Raja alt+123
we are Indian F6. Press enter
one file(s) copied
for open protected files.
Ex :- Type Raja alt+123 press enter button.
Note: - when we enter password computer will display that coding word number in symbols.
v DIR/PÃ Display all the directory and files in page wise.
Syntax :- c:/> DIR/P.
v DIR/WÃ Display all the directory and files in width wise.
Syntax :- c:/> DIR/W.
v DIR/LÃ Display all the directory and files in lower case.
Syntax :- c:/> DIR/L.
v DIR/BÃ Display all list files and subdirectories names only.
Syntax:- c:/> DIR/B.
v DIR/ADÃ Display only the directory not a files.
Syntax :- c:/> DIR/AD.
v DIR/A-DÃ Display only the files not a directory.
Syntax :- c:/> DIR/A-D.
v DIR/AHÃ Display only hidden files and directories.
Syntax :- c:/> DIR/AH.
v DIR/ARÃ Display read only files.
Syntax :- c:/>DIR/AR.
v DIR/ASÃ Display only system files .
Syntax :- c:/> DIR/AS.
v DIR/ONÃ Display all files and directories in ascending order, by file name (A to Z).
Syntax :- c:/> DIR/ON.
v DIR/O-NÃ Display all files and directories in descending order, by file name (Z to A).
Syntax :- c:/> DIR/O-N.
v DIR/ODÃ Display all files and directories in ascending order, by file date (0 to 9).
Syntax :- c:/> DIR/OD.
v DIR/O-DÃ Display all directories and files in descending order, by file date (9 to 0).
Syntax :- c:/> DIR/O-D.
v DIR/OSÃ Display all directories and files in ascending order, by file size (0 to 9).
Syntax :- c:/> DIR/OS.
v DIR/O-SÃ Display all directories and files in descending order, by file size (9 to 0).
Syntax :- c:/> DIR/O-S.
v DIR/OEÃ Display all files and directories in ascending order, by file extension name (A to Z).
Syntax:- c:/> DIR/OE.
v DIR/O-EÃ Display all files and directories in descending order, by file extension name (Z to A).
Syntax :- c:/> DIR/O-E.
v DIR/SÃ List files in the specified directory and it descendants.
Syntax :- c:/> DIR/S.