For selecting and deselecting objects a tool is used in Corel Draw _________ A. Freehand Tool B. Shape Tool C. Pick Tool D. Bezier Tool Ans. C
The default page size in PageMaker 7.0 ________ A. A4 B. A5 C. Custom D. Letter Ans. D
Photoshop files are usually saved as _________ files? A. Jpg B. Png C. Psd D. Pdf Ans. C
Where do you record purchase cash of a Furniture in Tally A. Contra B. Payment C. Receipt D. Journal Ans. B
Where do we record transaction of salary, rent and interest paid ________ A. Contra B. Payment C. Receipt D. Journal Ans. B
Rs. 20,000 withdraw from S.B.I bank. In which voucher type this transaction will be pass_______ A. Contra B. Payment C. Receipt D. Journal Ans. A
Which voucher type is used to transfer amount from one Bank to another Bank ________ A. Contra B. Payment C. Receipt D. Journal Ans. A
Which ledger is created by Tally automatically as soon as we create a new company ____________? A. Cash a/c B. Profit & Loss a/c C. Both A & B D. None Ans. C
How many primary groups are there in Tally ____________ A. 13 B. 14 C. 15 D. 18 Ans. C
How many groups are pre-defined in Tally ____________ A. 9 B. 8 C. 12 D. 28 Ans. D
Salary Account comes under which head ____________ A. Direct Income B. Indirect Income C. Direct Expense D. Indirect Expense Ans. D
Which option is used in Tally to closed opened company ____________ A. Alter B. Shut Company C. Select Company D. ALL Ans. B
Which menu appears after starting tally for first time ____________ A. Company Info B. Gateway of Tally C. Display D. ALL Ans. B
In general, the financial year from shall be from ____________ A. 1 January B. 1 February C. 1 March D. 1 April Ans. D
Multimedia has an ____________ impact on education? A. E-learning B. Enormous C. Extensive D. Effective Ans. B
A web address is also called a ____________ A. ULR B. URL C. ARL D. RLU Ans. B
Which of the following is an example of connectivity A. Floppy Disk B. Data C. Internet D. Power Card Ans. C
The internet also known simply as ____________ A. NAT B. NEET C. NET D. NIT Ans. C
A program that is used to view websites called a ______ A. Word processor B. Spread sheet C. Browser D. Paint Ans. C
Which of the following HTML tag is used to display the text scrolling effect______ A. B. C.
HTML tags are enclosed in _______________ A. < and > B. [ and ] C. > and < D. { and } Ans. A
How to insert image in HTML______ A. B. C. D. Ans. B
Which character is used to represent the closing of a tag in HTML______ A. <> B. > C. <@> D. <*> Ans. B
Which of the following tag is used to insert a line-break in HTML______ A. P B. BR C. A D. Pre Ans. B
Which of the following tag is used for inserting the largest heading in HTML______ A. H1 B. H3 C. H6 D. H8 Ans. A
The size of a field with number data type can’t be ____________ A. 4 B. 8 C. 12 D. 20 Ans. D
Which tool do you use to create query object ____________ A. Table Query Wizard B. Simple Query Wizard C. Database Wizard D. None Ans. B
____________ is not a valid data type in MS-Access A. Auto Number B. Currency C. Memo D. Picture Ans. D
In MS-Access, ____________ are used to store data A. Table B. Query C. Form D. Report Ans. A
MS-Access is a ____________. A. RDBMS B. RBDMS C. RDMBS D. None Ans. A
What is the shortcut key to insert a hyperlink in slide ____________ A. Ctrl + K B. Alt + K C. Shift + K D. None Ans. A
Which of the following are the types of sound in ___________ slide A. wav file B. dav file C. dat file D. ALL Ans. A
Which of the following fill effects can be used to fill the background of the slide A. Picture B. Gradient C. Texture D. ALL Ans. D
In PowerPoint, the objects on the slide used to hold text are called A. Text Box B. Text Hold C. Placeholders D. All Ans. C
Which of the following shortcut is used to stop the slide show A. Ctrl + C B. Enter key C. Esc key D. Del key Ans. C
What we have to type in Run dialog box to open PowerPoint A. PowerPoint B. Power C. Powerpnt D. Powerpmt Ans. C
Maximum zooming in MS-PowerPoint is _____________ A. 100% B. 300% C. 400% D. 900% Ans. C
Which shortcut key is used to insert a new slide between the current presentation ___? A. Ctrl + N B. Shift + N C. Ctrl + M D. Alt + M Ans. C
Which of the following shortcut is used to start the slide show ____________ A. F6 B. F5 C. F4 D. ALL Ans. B
In a presentation of PowerPoint, the special effects used to introduce slides ____ A. Animation B. Transition C. Presentation D. None Ans. B
Which of the following is called as page to create a presentation in PowerPoint__ A. Sheet B. Slide C. Paper D. None Ans. B
MS-PowerPoint extension name is _________________. A. pptd B. ppts C. pptx D. None Ans. C
MS-PowerPoint is _________________ program A. Word Processor B. Spread Sheet C. Presentation D. None Ans. C
In Excel, which one denoted a range from B1 through E5 ____ A. B1-E5 B. B1/E5 C. B1=E5 D. B1:E5 Ans. D
How many sheet are there, by default, when we open Excel 2016 ____ A. 4 B. 3 C. 2 D. 1 Ans. D
The basic unit of a worksheet into which you enter data in Excel is called a ____ A. Box B. Cell C. Table D. All Ans. B
What type of chart is good for single series of data ____ A. Column chart B. Pie chart C. Line chart D. All Ans. B
The ____ feature of MS-Excel quickly complete a series of data. A. Auto sum B. Auto fill C. Sorting D. All Ans. B
The process of arranging the items of a column in some sequence or order is ____ A. Arranging B. Autofill C. Sorting D. Fill Handle Ans. C
The grater than (>) sign is an example of ______________ operator A. Arithmetic B. Logical C. Conditional D. Grater Ans. C
In Excel, columns are labelled as ____ A. 1,2,3,4, etc. B. A, B, C, D, etc C. A1, B1, C1, D1, etc D. ALL Ans. B
Which function in Excel checks whether a condition is true of not ____ A. Sum B. Count C. If D. Average Ans. C
Functions in Excel must begin with ____ A. + sign B. * sign C. = sign D. / sign Ans. C
Which one is not a function in MS-Excel ____ A. Max B. Sum C. Count D. Avg Ans. D
Statistical calculations and preparation of tables and graphics can be done using A. Photoshop B. WordPad C. Excel D. Access Ans. C
A feature that display only the data in column(s) according to specified criteria ____? A. Formula B. Sorting C. Filtering D. Pivot Ans. C
Which function in Excel tells how many numeric entries are there ____? A. Sum B. Max C. Count D. Counta Ans. C
What type of chart is useful for comparing values over categories ____? A. Column chart B. Pie chart C. Line chart D. None Ans. B
Which shortcut is used to center the selected text _____________? A. Ctrl + C B. Shift + C C. Ctrl + E D. Alt + C Ans. C
Which option is not available in MS-Word file menu ____? A. New B. Save C. Bold D. Print Ans. C
Which command is used to a word selected by clicking it ____? A. One click B. Double click C. Four click D. Five click Ans. B
Which shortcut key for font dialog box in MS-Word ____? A. Shift + D B. Alt + D C. Ctrl + D D. None Ans. C
The valid format of MS-Word is __________? A. bmp B. jpeg C. xlsx D. docx Ans. D
Which is a word processing software _______________? A. Word B. Excel C. PowerPoint D. Access Ans. A
MS-Word is a software of ____________________________? A. Apple B. Google C. Android D. Microsoft Ans. D
Which command is used to clear the screen in DOS ____? A. Clear B. Clean C. CLS D. Erase Ans. C
Which command is used to delete the directory that is empty ____? A. Clear B. Del C. RD D. Erase Ans. C
Which command creates a directory or subdirectory ____? A. Dir B. MD C. RD D. CD Ans. B
Which command lists the contains of current directory of a disk ____? A. Copy B. CD C. Dir D. Copy Con Ans. C
Which acts as an intermediate between a user and a computer___? A. Anti-Virus B. MS-Office C. Operating System D. None Ans. C
Where does the pinned application stayed in Windows Operating System ____? A. Desktop B. Notification Area C. Taskbar D. Start Button Ans. C
Which shortcut key is used to refresh windows desktop ____? A. F2 B. F# C. F5 D. None Ans. C
What can’t be drawn with the use of line tool ____? A. Square B. Rectangle C. Circle D. Star Ans. C
Which tool is used to give color to the shapes ____? A. Spray paint B. Fill with color C. Color piker D. None Ans. B
Which tool is used for zoom a part of drawing in MS-Paint ____? A. Select B. View C. Magnifier D. None Ans. C
MS-Paint file save as ____? A. mpb B. bmp C. bdp D. None Ans. B
Which key is used to draw a straight line in MS-Paint ____? A. Alt B. Ctrl C. Shift D. None Ans. C
What is the Default background color in MS-Paint ____? A. Yellow B. Black C. White D. Red Ans. C
How many number of text highlight color in present____? A. 5 B. 10 C. 15 D. 20 Ans. C
What is maximum zooming size in MS-Paint ____? A. 1000% B. 800% C. 500% D. 300% Ans. B
What is the Default file extension of WordPad ____? A. rft B. ftr C. rtf D. None Ans. C
Which shortcut key is used for Cut of selected text in the document____? A. Alt + X B. Shift + X C. Ctrl + C D. Ctrl + X Ans. D
Which shortcut key is used for Undo a work in document____? A. Alt + Z B. Shift + Z C. Ctrl + Z D. None Ans. C
Which of the following is page orientation in Vertical print____? A. Landscape B. Portrait C. Both D. None Ans. B
Which menu in Notepad has two options word wrap and font? A. File Menu B. Edit Menu C. Format Menu D. None Ans. C
Which of the following is available in the form of a PC now ____? A. Micro Computer B. Mini Computer C. Mainframe Computer D. None Ans. A
Powerful key that lets you exit a program when pushed ____ A. Enter key B. Spacebar C. Escape key D. Arrow keys Ans. C
Letters, Numbers and Symbols found on a keyboard called the ____? A. Menu B. Screen C. Keys D. Icons Ans. C
Which of the following shortcut key is restart the computer system? A. Ctrl + Shift + Del B. Ctrl + Alt + Del C. Alt + Del D. All Ans. B
A ________ is a named location on a disk where files are stored? A. Pad B. Folder C. Box D. Almira Ans. B
Text and Graphics that have been out of copied are stored in area called the ___ A. Cutting Board B. Clipboard C. Copy Board D. Paste Board Ans. B
Which of the following is not an output device of a computer? A. Monitor B. Speaker C. Mike D. Printer Ans. C
We can move the taskbar in any side of the windows screen A. Left B. Right C. Top D. ALL Ans. D
Shortcut key to permanent delete the file without sending it to the Recycle Bin A. Alt + Del B. Ctrl + Del C. Shift + Del D. None Ans. C
All the part of windows screen are called A. Taskbar B. Desktop C. Icons D. View Ans. B
Which of the following are physical devices of a Computer? A. Hardware B. Software C. Anti-Virus D. I.Q Ans. A
Which of the following is designed to control operation of a Computer? A. System Software B. Application software C. Utility software D. User Ans. A
Which of the following is the smallest unit of data in a Computer? A. KB B. MB C. Bit D. Byte Ans. C
Which of the following is not a characteristic of Computer? A. Versatility B. Accuracy C. Diligence D. I.Q Ans. D
In MS PowerPoint, to add a sound effect, use the ______ menu. A. Transitions B. Design C. Slideshow D. View Ans. A
Which of the following techniques is generally used by courier companies? A. Decode B. Barcode C. MICR D. OCR Ans. B
In which ribbon tab is the Clear All formatting option available? A. Design B. Review C. Layout D. Home Ans. D
In MS PowerPoint, use ______ to drag and change the sequence of animations in a slide. A. Animation Effect B. Animation Painter C. Trigger D. Animation Pane Ans. D
Which of the following options is NOT present in the Cells group of the Home tab in Microsoft Excel 2016? A. Delete B. Format C. Insert D. Sort & Filter Ans. D
What is the default size number of a column, based on point scale in Microsoft Excel2016? A. 16384 B. 8.43 C. 15 D. 255 Ans. B
What will be the output of the formula?
=trim(The Film Was Great) A. TheFilmWasGreat B. The Film Was Great C. Film Was D. The Ans. B
Which of the following options in Microsoft Word lets the user make a copy of the file in a different folder or make a copy with a different name? A. Save as B. Publish C. Save D. Prepare Ans. A
In Microsoft Word 2016, the bullets and numbering options are available in the ______group of the Home tab. A. Font B. Clipboard C. Paragraph D. Styles Ans. C
In Microsoft PowerPoint 2016, the Layout option is present in the ______ group of the Home tab. A. Clipboard B. Paragraph C. Slides D. Font Ans. C
Which of the following devices receives sound generated by an input source, and sends that sound to a computer? A. Keybaord B. Webcam C. Speaker D. Microphone Ans. D
How many default options are there in Freeze Panes drop-down list in MS Excel 2016? A. 2 B. 5 C. 4 D. 3 Ans. D
In an MS Excel 2016 sheet, the cells A6 and B6 contain MY and LIFE respectively. The cell C6 contains the formula =CONCATENATE(A6, B6). What is the output? A. MYLIFE B. LIFEMY C. MY LIFE D. MY_LIFE Ans. A
The TRIM function can be found in the dropdown menu under the ______ option of the Function Library group in Microsoft Excel 2016. A. Text B. Financial C. Logical D. Date & Time Ans. A
Which of the following CANNOT be found under the Select Recipients option of the Mailings (Mail Merge) tab in Microsoft Word 2016? A. Normal word document B. Choose from Outlook Contacts C. Use an existing list D. Type a new list Ans. A
When you triple-click on a paragraph in Microsoft Word 2016, ______. A. a whole word is selected B. a whole paragraph is selected C. an entire document is selected D. few lines of the paragraph are selected Ans. B
File management can be done in Windows XP using ______. A. Windows Explorer B. Control Panel C. Accessories D. System Setting Ans. A
Within which tab in Microsoft Word 2016 would you find the ‘Page Setup’ options that include paper size and page orientation? A. Page Layout B. View C. Design D. Layout Ans. A
How many maximum number of items can be cut or copied and placed on the clipboard in Microsoft Word 2016? A. 24 B. 10 C. 12 D. 20 Ans. A
Which of the following is FALSE with reference to Slide Sorter view in Microsoft PowerPoint 2016? A. Slides can easily be ordered and sorted using Slide Sorter view B. A small image of each slide is displayed in Slide Sorter view C. To access Slide Sorter view, one must select Review → Slide Sorter D. Slide Sorter view can also be used to add special effects such as transitions Ans. C
Which of the following displays horizontal and vertical scales that reflect the width and height of the typing area in Microsoft Word 2016? A. Rulers B. Toolbar C. Header D. Scrollbar Ans. A
Which of the following is a fourth generation computer language? A. C++ B. C C. Java D. Python Ans. D
Which of the following is an example of Application Software? A. Assembler B. Debugger C. Database D. Compiler Ans. C
Which of the following is a file that contains the names and addresses or any other information that vary with each version of a Mail Merge document in Microsoft Word2016? A. Main Document B. Data Source C. Merge Document D. Stardard Letter Ans. B
In MS Word ______ option is available under Review menu. A. Freeze Panes B. Split C. Footnote D. Spelling & Grammar Ans. D
The Cell Styles feature in Microsoft Excel is a way to ____ A. To format selected cells in a worksheet B. Changing the theme of selected cells in a worksheet C. Align Text Within Cells in a Worksheet D. To wrap text within cells in a worksheet or to normalize wrapped text Ans. A
The number 101 is written in cell C2 and its background is white and font color isblack.
When the contents of a cell changes to 99, the background turns pink and thefont turns red.
What would be the reason for this? A. This happens due to different Cell Styles being applied in the cell. B. This happens because Special formatting is applied in the cell. C. This happens because Conditional formatting is applied in the cell. D. This is because of the autofill option Ans. C
Identify the correct sequence to move the slides in the Slide Sorter view.
(i) Release the button.
(ii) Point the slide.
(iii) Drag the slide to the new location.
(iv) Hold the mouse button A. (ii) (i) (iii) (iv) B. (ii) (iv) (iii) (i) C. (ii) (iii) (iv) (i) D. (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) Ans. B
Windows XP has a _____ that allows users to perform tasks without writing code. A. My Computer B. Desktop C. File Explorer D. Graphical User Interface Ans. D
Which tab is used to add sound effect in powerpoint? A. Design B. Transition C. View D. Slide Show Ans. B
How many cells are in a range of A1:AA1 A. 52 B. 26 C. 27 D. 11 Ans. C
A ______ is a networking device that forwards data packets between computer networks. A. UPS B. Chipset C. Router D. Mouse Ans. C
Which of the following techniques is generally used by courier companies? A. Decode B. MICR C. OCR D. Barcode Ans. D
A user is trying to insert a column in an excel worksheet.
He is not able to do that. A. The workbook structure is secure. B. The workbook is shared. C. The file is infected with a virus. D. The worksheet is secure. Ans. A
Mail merge recipients usually come from a list of names and data in an existing list, such as an Excel spreadsheet, or your Outlook Contacts list.
What is this list called? A. Data Table B. Data Form C. Data Source D. Main Document Ans. C
In which ribbon tab is the Clear All formatting option available? A. Design B. Review C. Layout D. Home Ans. D
In MS PowerPoint 2016, the short cut key to insert a hyperlink is ______. A. Ctrl + K B. Ctrl + H C. Alt + K D. Alt + H Ans. A
What is the function of Windows Explorer? A. Adding new programs. B. Changing settings. C. Organizing files and folders. D. Organizing different windows that are open. Ans. C
To create an Excel data source file for a mail merge, make sure that the related data______ is included. A. In the first sheet of the workbook B. In any named sheet of the workbook C. In the worksheet named Mail Merge Data D. In the worksheet named Data Source Ans. A
You have a numbered list, and you want to start numbering at 5 instead of 1.
How would you do this? A. Right click > Set Numbering Value B. Right click > Insert Bullet Number C. Right click > Change Bullet Number D. Right click > Restart Number Ans. A
What is the short cut key to show/hide Notes pane in MS PowerPoint 2016? A. Ctrl + H B. Ctrl + Shift + N C. Ctrl + Shift + H D. Alt + H Ans. C
Which of the following is not a valid name for a worksheet in Microsoft Excel? A. Name*1 B. Name.1 C. Name_1 D. Name-1 Ans. A
In MS PowerPoint, use ______ to drag and change the sequence of animations in a slide. A. Animation Effect B. Animation Painter C. Trigger D. Animation Pane Ans. D
How many cells are in range A1:D5 A. 20 B. 25 C. 16 D. 24 Ans. A
Which of the following languages is/are characterised as low-level language(s)? A. Ruby B. Assembly C. BASIC, COBOL D. C, C++ Ans. B
Apart from Ctrl + P, which shortcut key can you use to get print preview in MS-Word 2016 A. Ctrl + F2 B. Alt + F2 C. Ctrl + F9 D. Ctrl + W Ans. A
In MS-PowerPoint, the trigger option is used during the setting for: A. Insert a Chart B. Transition C. Animation D. Slide Design Ans. C
Which of the following statement is true about application software? A. A computer system cannot operate without it B. It is a specific purpose software which is used for performing a specific task C. It solely works as an interface between the input and output devices D. Only low-level languages are used to write it Ans. B
To print labels using mail merge in MS-Word 2016:
Go to ______ > Start Mail Merge > Labels A. Mail Merge B. Mailings C. Insert D. Create Ans. B
MS-Excel wrap text feature adjusts the ______ to accommodate text. A. column width B. cell height and width C. row height D. sheet width Ans. C
Programs that organise, analyse and graph numerical data such as budgets and financial reports are called: A. DBMS B. Graphics C. Spreadsheet D. Word Processor Ans. C
Which of the following is false regarding protection features in MS-Excel? A. You cannot lock the structure of your workbook by specifying a password B. In MS-Excel, you can lock an MS-Excel file by specifying a password so that users cannot open or change it. C. Worksheet level protection is not intended as a security feature. This only preventsusers from making changes to locked cells in the worksheet. D. You can specify exactly what a user can do to a sheet with Sheet Protection,ensuring that no important data in your worksheet is affected. Ans. A
The cable that connects the computer network card and the network router is called A. Regular Jack-45 B. Recorder Jack-45 C. Reference Jack-45 D. Registered Jack-45 Ans. D
______ facilitates essentially uninterrupted communication between the connected hardware device and the operating system. A. Device Installer B. Installation Driver C. Device File D. Device Driver Ans. D
Which of the following shortcut key(s) is/are suitable for moving from one worksheet to another? A. Ctrl + Page Up B. Tab C. Ctrl + Tab D. Ctrl + Page Down Ans. D
Which of the following is a function that is not primarily the responsibility of the CPU? A. Interacting closely with primary storage or main memory B. Executing stored program instructions C. Performing graphical processing D. Performing arithmetic and logical operations Ans. C
In MS-Excel, which of the following features is not available under View menu? A. Split Columns B. New Window C. Arrange All D. Freeze Panes Ans. A
In MS-Word, the distance between two lines within a paragraph is called ______. A. Row Spacing B. Spacing C. Paragraph Spacing D. Line Spacing Ans. D
Which of the following is a valid file name for naming a worksheet in MS-Excel? A. Budget*1 B. Budget.1 C. Budget[1] D. Budget/1 Ans. B
What needs to be done to change the font of any text in MS-Word?
a) Will select the text to be changed.
b) On the Home tab, click on the drop-down arrow on the ______ box.
After that select the desired font. A. Size B. Format C. Font D. Style Ans. C
is pressed to darken the screen during a slide show. A. F5 B. Alt + B C. Ctrl + B D. B Ans. D
To change the colors throughout a SmartArt graphic in an MS-Excel worksheet:
Click SmartArt.
Under SmartArt Tools, on the ______ tab, in the Smart Art group, click ______. A. SmartArt Design - Styles - Change Colors B. SmartArt Design - Format - Change Colors C. Styles - Design - Change Colors D. Design - SmartArt Styles - Change Colors Ans. D
For mail merge in MS-Word, there may be some specifications if you are using data source in MS-Excel. In this context, which of the following statements is incorrect? A. There must be a blank line between the field names and the first record B. Field names/column labels must be on the first line of the list, and field names must be unique C. There should not be any empty columns or rows in the list D. If there is any additional information in the worksheet, there must be at least oneblank row or column to separate the list from other data. Ans. C
Windows XP has ______ buttons that give you quick access to common tools and currently running programs. A. Notification Area B. Start Button C. Control Panel D. Taskbar Ans. D
If you want to make specific data on an MS-Excel 2016 worksheet stand out, using______, such as an arrow, star or banner, would be a good way. A. Icon B. Shape C. Chart D. SmartArt Ans. D
_______ acts as an interface between a user and the WWW. A. Web Browser B. Home Page C. Website D. Webpage Ans. A
You cannot insert ________ into a main document until the data source has been created in MS Word. A. Tables B. Data C. Cells D. Fields Ans. D
When we delete a file, the file goes to a temporary memory called _________. A. Internet Explorer B. Recycle Bin C. My Computer D. Clipboard Ans. B
In MS Word, the default and standard page format is ________. A. Letter B. Legal C. Tabloid D. Long Bond Ans. A
Which of these is NOT a basic hardware requirement for getting online? A. Printer B. Computer C. Modem D. Telephone Line Ans. A
______ uses laser technology to detect the motion of the ball. A. Wireless keyboard B. Roller ball mouse C. Touchscreen D. Optical mouse Ans. D
Windows Explorer is similar to A. Recycle Bin B. My Computer C. My Document D. Folder Ans. B
What is the default format for expressing numbers in Excel? A. Number B. General C. Percentage D. Text Ans. B
What is the output of the following formula? =sum(1,2,3) A. 6 B. 7 C. 10 D. 5 Ans. A
In MS PowerPoint, the default filename for a PPT file is ________. A. Book1 B. Powerpoint1 C. Document1 D. Presentation1 Ans. D
Which of the following is NOT a general purpose application software? A. DBMS B. Presentation Software C. Java D. Word Processing Ans. C
RAM is _________ in nature. A. Volatile B. Non-Volatile C. Permanent D. None Ans. A
Unorganised raw facts and figures given to a computer are collectively called _______. A. ROM B. Output C. Data D. RAM Ans. C
In MS Excel, you can use ______ tool to join some cells and place the contents in the center of the joined cells A. Centered alignment B. Merge and Center C. Combine and Center D. Merge cells checkbox Ans. B
In MS Word 2016 mail merge, the data source document in Word is............ A. Columns Only B. Fields and Records C. Rows Only D. Envelope Ans. B
Which of the following is the incorrect type of pie chart? A. 2-D Pie B. 3-D Pie C. Donut D. Pivot Chart Ans. D
You need to enter the password to unlock protected cells. A. False B. Truth C. Cannot be determined D. may be Ans. B
Which of the following is not a windows version? A. Windows 21 B. Windows NT C. Windows XP D. Windows ME Ans. A
Which of the following has the highest data storage capacity? A. Blu-Ray Disc B. Graphic Card C. Floppy Disk D. CD Ans. A
______ displays data only according to the specified criteria in the column. A. Sorting B. Filtering C. Formula D. Editing Ans. B
By default, MS Word 2016 formats your text as ______. A. 11-Point Calibri B. 11-point Times New Roman C. 13-point Mars D. 12-point arial Ans. A
Assembly language is the language of which generation? A. 4th B. 2nd C. 1st D. 3rd Ans. B
In MS Word 2016, the last step (step 6 of 6) of Mail Merge wizard is ______. A. Write your letter B. save and print C. Complete the Merge D. Preview the Letter Ans. C
Drop Caps in MS Word are NOT applied to.......... A. Words B. Characters C. Letters D. Borders Ans. D
A Dot matrix printer is a type of _ A. Non-Impact Printer B. Matrix Printer C. Impact Printer D. Manual Printer Ans. C
In MS Word, if any text shows a green wavy line, it indicates. A. Multiple Errors B. Grammatical Error C. Spelling Error D. No Error Ans. B
What is the function of the formula Count Numbers? A. It shows the number equivalent of a text B. It shows the count of numbers within the selected range C. It shows the count of cells within the selected range D. It shows the number of digits in a number Ans. B
What is the full form of DBMS A. Databasic Management System B. Database Media System C. Database Management System D. Digitalbase Management System Ans. C
The ______ key is used to insert a new worksheet in MS Excel. A. Shift + F11 B. Shift + F1 C. Shift + F12 D. Ctrl + F11 Ans. A
In MS Word, the Cut, Copy and Paste buttons are located on the ________ of the Home tab. A. Style Group B. Editing Group C. Paragraph Group D. Clipboard Group Ans. D
In MS Word, while using Mail Merge, ________ identifies the individual items in a data source. A. Insert Merge Field B. Copy Address C. Insert Address D. Highlight Merge Field Ans. A
By default, the text entries in MS Excel 2016 are _________ aligned. A. Down B. Bottom Left C. Up D. Right Top Ans. B
To leave the first line alone but move every line beneath it in MS Word is called: A. Hanging Indent B. Right Indent C. First Line Indent D. Left Indent Ans. A
In MS Word, to change any attributes of the text it must be _________ first. A. Deleted B. Selected C. Saved D. Changed Ans. B
We can delete slides in the _________ view. A. Slide Sorter B. Full C. View Slide D. Slide Show Ans. A
Which of the following is NOT a type of chart in MS Excel 2016? A. Bar Chart B. Custom Chart C. Scatter Chart D. Pie Chart Ans. B
Utility program does NOT include A. booting B. virus scanning C. disk defragment D. backup software Ans. A
Which of the following is NOT a storage device? A. DVD B. CD-ROM C. Plotter D. Flash Drive Ans. C
There are no restrictions on the passwords you use with regards to length, characters or numbers, but passwords are: A. Always Upercase B. Special Character C. Always Lowercase D. Case-Sensitive Ans. D
Which of the following is NOT a function of an operating system? A. Service management B. Database management C. Device management D. User management Ans. B
Which of the following sign, divide the email address in two parts? A. * B. $ C. & D. @ Ans. D
In Windows XP, the Action Center is a _______. A. Warning B. Message C. Reminder D. Notification Ans. D
Which of the following options refers to the set of instructions that directs a computer to process information? A. Software B. Debugger C. Hardware D. Assembler Ans. A
MS Word contains a built-in dictionary that gets used when the _________ function is performed. A. Spelling & Grammar B. Translate C. Word Count D. Thesearus Ans. A
In MS Excel 2016, which of the following is not a valid data type? A. Text B. Image C. Number D. Date Ans. B
Using Mail-merge, You can also create............ A. Presentation B. Video C. Envelope D. Audio Ans. C
In MS-Excel, You can Merge two or more cells. A. The statement is correct. B. The statement is incorrect. C. Can not be determined D. None Ans. A
In a spreadsheet, a formula includes the $ sign, for example =A1*$B$1. While reviewing the sheet, Rohit feels that the $ sign has been added by mistake so he removes all the $ signs from the formula. Then he drags and applies the formula to the entire range.
What effect will this have? A. It is correct to remove the $ sign, because Excel does not recognize $ in the formula. B. This $ sign is important when you want to make cell in absolute reference. C. If you remove sign, it changes the currency. D. None Ans. B
The features and facilities provided by _______ include downloads, bookmarks and password management. A. Webpage B. Website C. Web Browser D. Home Page Ans. C
In MS Excel, formatting allows you to format cells using one of two methods, i.e. Formatting ________ or Format Cells dialog box. A. Paint Box B. Tool Box C. Tool Bar D. Compass Box Ans. C
The _______ is the main and first screen after booting MS Windows. A. Desktop B. My Documents C. My Computer D. Downloads Ans. A
In MS Excel 2016, the Format option is present under which group of the Home tab? A. Fonts B. Number C. Cells D. Clipboard Ans. C
A new blank MS PowerPoint 2016 presentation opens with ______ slide/s by default A. 2 B. 1 C. 3 D. 4 Ans. B
The final output available to a user on the monitor is called a: A. Soft Copy B. Machine Language Copy C. Software D. Hard Copy Ans. A
The _______ feature, which is similar to using an actual pair of scissors, allows you to remove selected text from a document and temporarily place it on the Office Clipboard. A. Copy B. Move C. Paste D. Cut Ans. D
In MS Excel, AutoFill entries are done with the help of data fill handles A. The statement is true. B. The statement is false. C. The answer cannot be determined. D. The statement may be true or false. Ans. A
Which of the following is NOT a function in MS Excel? A. MAX B. ALT C. MIN D. SUM Ans. B
_______ refers to converting unorganized data into meaningful information as per user instructions. A. Compiling B. Assembling C. Debugging D. Processing Ans. D
............................. is a slide with a set of specified features, which is used as a starting point for creating other slides. A. Outline B. Notes C. Normal D. Slide Master Ans. D
I am located at the bottom of an Excel application. I display a list of sheets in the current workbook.
Who am I? A. Workbook B. Worksheet C. Formula Bar D. Sheet Tab Ans. D
______________ is a popular object-oriented programming language. A. Basic B. Fortran C. Cobol D. C++ Ans. D
Identify the INCORRECT predefined text direction in MS-PowerPoint. A. Stacked B. Horizontal C. Rotate D. Heaped Ans. D
In MS-PowerPoint, consider you have 10 slides and you have selected slide 5. On clicking ctrl+end you will reach: A. Slide 10 B. Slide 1 C. Slide 6 D. Last Line of Slide 5 Ans. A
In MS-PowerPoint, Slide Size is found in ______ menu. A. Animation B. Slide Design C. Review D. Transition Ans. B
To capitalise each word, you would find the Change Case option under: A. Insert Tab B. Review Tab C. Home Tab D. References Tab Ans. C
For adding a footnote in an MS-Word document, you would find the relevant option in: A. References menu B. Insert menu C. Review menu D. Layout menu Ans. A
Which of the following is NOT an example of an application software? A. Oracle B. SAP C. Ubuntu D. MS-Office Ans. C
Which of the following statements is true for application software? A. It runs only when the system is turned off. B. A computer is unable to run without it. C. It always starts running when the system is turned on. D. It is designed for the users to perform their specific tasks. Ans. D
To change default programs for opening files in Windows 10, the following is the first step to be followed: A. Left-click on filename > Properties > Opens With B. Right-click on filename > Create Shortcut > Opens With C. Right-click on filename > Properties > Opens With D. Left-click on filename > Open with > Choose another app Ans. C
When you are using a version of MS-Word that is newer than the version used to create your document, you typically see _________ Mode in the title bar. A. Earlier B. Compatibility C. Previous D. Old Version Ans. B
In a mail merge, merge document is a combination of _________ and data source. A. main document B. merge fields C. merge document D. data source Ans. A
Which of the following is considered as a software? A. Operating System B. Hard Disk C. ROM D. ALU Ans. A
In MS-Powerpoint, how does the sliders area display the slides in the slide sorter view? A. Thumbnail form in row-major order B. Order sorted on the basis of the slide contents C. Thumbnail form in column-major order D. No definite order Ans. A
Press ____________ to move from one open window to another in a Windows system. A. SHIFT+TAB B. SHIFT+F1 C. ALT+TAB D. CTRL+TAB Ans. C
Select the odd one from the following options. A. Spreadsheet B. Word processor C. MS-DOS D. Database management system Ans. C
Two folders are open. The easiest way to move a file from one folder to another folder in a Windows system is to: A. compress the file and un-compress it in the desired folder B. drag the file from one folder to the desired folder C. move the file to the Recycle Bin, and then move it to the desired folder D. copy and paste the file to the desired folder Ans. B
Toggling from upper-case to lower-case characters and vice versa in MS-Word can be done by pressing: A. CTRL+F3 B. ALT+F3 C. SHIFT+F3 D. ESC+F3 Ans. C
The header file of a typical C program is included by the: A. loader B. preprocessor C. compiler D. assembler Ans. B
Software like iOS, UNIX, LINUX and WINDOWS are types of: A. language processors B. operating systems C. device drivers D. application programs Ans. B
In a Windows system, a random file is selected in a folder. The easiest way to move to the first item shown in that folder is to press the ____________key. A. Page Down B. Esc C. Home D. Page Up Ans. C
Predecessor to the first Internet was: A. NSFNET B. INSNET C. UNIVNET D. ARPANET Ans. D
DSL is the acronym for: A. Digital Services Link B. Digital Services Limited C. Digital Subscriber Line D. Digital Subscriber Layer Ans. C
In MS-Word 2016, the creation of mailing labels is initiated through the MAILINGS tab and following several available options under the CREATE section.
How many different options are available in the CREATE section? A. 4 B. 2 C. 3 D. 1 Ans. B
In MS-Word, bullets can be inserted from the ribbon in Home. How can the same action be performed from the keyboard? A. ALT+CTRL+B B. ALT+CTRL+N C. CTRL+SHIFT+N D. CTRL+SHIFT+L Ans. D
Where is the View button located in the MS-Word screen? A. Bottom Right B. Bottom Left C. Top Right D. Top Left Ans. A
What is the address class of IP address A. Class E B. Class A C. Class B D. Class D Ans. A
An existing Microsoft PowerPoint slide can be deleted by selecting the slide in the left pane and pressing the keyboard shortcut A. Ctrl + X B. Ctrl + K C. Ctrl + D D. Ctrl + C Ans. A
Where do you find the text alignment options in the Microsoft Word 2016 window? A. Menu Bar B. Title Bar C. Ribbon D. Status Bar Ans. C
Which of the following keyboard shortcuts would one use to insert the Merge field in Mail Merge? A. Ctrl + Shift + F B. Alt + Shift + P C. Shift + Alt + I D. Alt + Shift + F Ans. D
Which class of the IPv4 address can be used for multicast? A. A B. C C. D D. B Ans. C
Internet service provider is also known as: A. IPP B. TCP/IP C. ISP D. ISPP Ans. C
Identify the IPv4 address that is NOT valid. A. B. C. D. Ans. C
To create a table in a Microsoft Word 2016 document start by clicking on the ______tab. A. Insert B. Review C. File D. Design Ans. A
The spelling and grammar check in Microsoft Word 2016 can be done from the ______group of the Review tab by selecting the Spelling & Grammar option. A. Language B. Comments C. Proofing D. Tracking Ans. C
Which of the following keyboard shortcuts would you press to start a slide show from the current slide in Microsoft PowerPoint? A. F5 B. Alt + F5 C. Ctrl + F5 D. Shift + F5 Ans. D
Moving text in Microsoft Word can simply be accomplished by following the givensteps:
Select the text to be moved.
Cut the text by pressing the keyboard shortcut ______.
Move your cursor to the desired location.
Press the keyboard shortcut ______ to paste the cut text. A. Ctrl + S, Ctrl + M B. Ctrl + C, Ctrl + M C. Ctrl + X, Ctrl + V D. Ctrl + C, Ctrl + X Ans. C
Find the octal equivalent of the binary number 10101001010101 A. 13542 B. 52252 C. 25125 D. 65425 Ans. C
Which of the following is NOT a file extension of Microsoft Word files? A. .docx B. .doc C. .rtf D. .text Ans. D
Which of the following documents are relevant in Mail Merge? A. Data text, main text and program text B. Main document, data source and merged document C. Database, table and main document D. Text, data and program Ans. B
In a standard six-phase compilation process, when is Intermediate code generation done? A. Phase 5 B. Phase 2 C. Phase 4 D. Phase 3 Ans. C
Which keyboard shortcut would one use to close an open program in Windows? A. Shift + Esc B. Alt + F4 C. Alt + Esc D. Esc Ans. B
Two consecutive clicks on a word in a Microsoft Word document selects a A. Paragraph B. Section C. Word D. Page Ans. C
Which of the following is not used to create dynamic website? A. Html B. PHP C. Asp.Net D. JSP Ans. A
MS Word is a A. Unix Editor B. Application Program C. Compiler D. Operating System Ans. B
A mail merge data source cannot be A. HLL Program B. Database Program C. Spread Sheet Program D. All Ans. A
When we press the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Delete in Microsoft Word ______ is deleted from the current cursor position. A. Left part of the word B. Left part of paragraph C. Right part of the word D. Right Part of Paragraph Ans. C
In Microsoft Word 2016, formatting and other features are distributed across the top of the Word window. From top to bottom, the arrangement is as follows: A. Menu bar, title bar, formatting toolbar B. Title bar, formatting toolbar, menu bar C. Formatting toolbar, title bar, menu bar D. Title bar, menu bar, formatting toolbar Ans. D
Since Microsoft Office 2007, ______ has replaced the formatting toolbar. A. draw B. ribbon C. format list D. sailcraft3 Ans. B
Which of the following is best suited for printing large drawings and graphics? A. VDU B. Plotter C. Scanner D. Dot-Matrix Printer Ans. B
The View tab in Microsoft Power Point 2016 offers several presentation views.
Which of the following tabs is not a valid option? A. Slide Sorter B. Inline C. Outline D. Normal Ans. B
To copy a formula from one cell to another in Microsoft Excel, first select the cell and press ______, then go to the destination cell and press ______. A. F5, F10 B. Alt + F, Alt + P C. Ctrl + C, Ctrl + V D. Ctrl + X, Ctrl + V Ans. C
What can be done to change the row widths in a worksheet in Microsoft Excel 2016? A. Alt + F9 B. Ctrl + F9 C. Shift + F9 D. Row width has no such meaning, so it is not presented in Microsoft Excel Ans. D
In which of the following folders does Windows store the document to be faxed by default? A. Scanned Document B. Pictures C. Download D. Home Ans. A
Identify the odd one out from the following options. A. HTTP B. SAP C. FTP D. SMTP Ans. B
In the upper left corner of the MS-Word 2016 screen layout is a menu button called A. Menu B. Home C. File D. Tools Ans. C
Which of the following BUS is usually used to connect memory devices? A. RPI B. RTI C. CBI D. PCI Ans. D
A compiler usually employs _______ phases to convert the source file to machine code. A. 4 B. 3 C. 6 D. 2 Ans. C
The term Gutter Margin in MS-Word indicates A. margin added to left adjust the text B. margin added to the binding side C. margin added to adjust the left and right margin of the text D. margin added to right adjust the text Ans. B
______ is the default page orientation in MS-PowerPoint. A. Portrait B. Landscape C. Right-Slanted D. Left Slanted Ans. B
Click _______ menu to include a table in MS-Word document. A. Insert B. Home C. Page Layout D. View Ans. A
Choose the odd item among the following options. A. Italic B. Arial C. Bold D. Underline Ans. B
What is the full-form of DLL? A. Database Link Library B. Database Layer Library C. Dynamic Link Library D. Direct Layer Link Ans. C
What is the limit to maximum number of rows in MS-Excel 2016? A. 5027490 B. 1048576 C. 225786 D. 16384 Ans. B
The _______ protocol is used for browsing the WWW. A. ftp B. http C. snmp D. smtp Ans. B
The address is a _______ IP address. A. Class D B. Class C C. Class B D. Class A Ans. B
What happens when you keep on typing a long word, ignoring the right margin in MS-Word? A. The word that does not fit is moved to next line automatically B. A warning is generated C. The line gets bigger and bigger D. Input of new character is blocked Ans. A
In MS-WORD, use _______ to clear all formatting in a selected text. A. Shift + F5 B. Shift + F3 C. Ctrl + Spacebar D. Ctrl + D Ans. C
For the merging of data into the main document, we use a A. Table Source B. Data Source C. Address Source D. List Source Ans. B
To set new time and date you may use the A. Tools Menu B. File Menu C. System Tools D. Control Panel Ans. D
Find the odd one out. A. Ink Jet B. Touch Screen C. Dot-Matrix D. Laser Ans. B
In MS-WORD 2016, click ________ to protect a file with password. A. Tools Menu B. Home Menu C. View Menu D. File Menu Ans. D
Find out the address class of the address: A. Class D B. Class B C. Class C D. Class A Ans. A
The number of octets used in an Internet IPv4 address is A. 16 B. 4 C. 8 D. 6 Ans. B
The options like FILE, EDIT, VIEW, etc. are available in a WINDOW on the A. Status Bar B. Ribbon C. Title Bar D. Menu Bar Ans. D
To compress, you may follow which of the following steps after selecting the file/folder to be compressed? A. Right click > Export > Compressed B. Right click > Import > Compressed C. Right click > Send to > Compressed folder D. Right click > Left click > Compressed Ans. C
The maximum number of columns allowed in a MS-WORD 2016 table is A. 8 B. 1638 C. 32767 D. 63 Ans. D
What are the 2 documents needed in mail-merge? A. Address and Template B. Shared document and Fixed document C. Main document and data source D. From document and To document Ans. C
In Windows, System settings are available in........ A. Control Panel B. System Tools C. My Computer D. System Panel Ans. A
In MS Word 2016, Bullet List is available in............ A. Document - Paragraph B. Home - Paragraph C. Table - Paragraph D. Insert - Paragraph Ans. B
Where is the zoom option available in MS-Word screen? A. Top Right B. Top Left C. Bottom Left D. Bottom Right Ans. D
For CPU performance improvement, we use a small capacity but very fast memory known as A. HDD B. Cache C. Flash D. ROM Ans. B
A/An __________ CANNOT be the mail merge data source. A. executable file B. text file C. word file D. excel file Ans. A
The easiest way to move to the last item of a folder being displayed is to press A. Shift + End B. End C. Alt + End D. Ctrl + Down Arrow Ans. B
In MS-WORD, what is the use of CTRL+SHIFT+ F12? A. Copy a document B. Print a document C. Save a document D. Save as a document Ans. B
Which of the following is not a internet connection type? A. FastNet B. Wi-Fi C. Dialup D. DSL Ans. A
Four options are given out of which three are alike and one is different. Select the odd one. A. Joystick B. Mouse C. Monitor D. Light Pen Ans. C
Mailing labels are the part of A. Label File B. Data Source C. Main Document D. Database Labels Ans. C
In MS-WORD, CTRL+F open A. A file B. A format specification box to save the file C. A dialogue box to set a new font D. A dialogue box to find something in the document Ans. D
In Excel, say, you have ABC and DE in two consecutive cells, namely A2 and B2. Select cell C2 and enter the formula = concatenate (A2, B2). Now, copy the formula of C2using CTRL+C and paste it in D2 using CTRL+V. What would be the contents of the cellD2? A. DEDEABC B. DEABCDE C. DEABC D. ABCDE Ans. B
Which of the Oldest browser in the following list A. Netscape Navigator B. Chrome C. Safari D. Firefox Ans. A
In MS-WORD, pressing CTRL+ K will A. Indent the paragraph B. Open a new window C. Delete the selected text D. Open insert hyperlink dialog box Ans. D
A control panel in Windows consists of a set of _______ that allows system settings. A. Applets B. Translators C. Libraries D. Hardware Devices Ans. A
In MS-Excel 2016, INSERT smart art option provides different types of pyramids. Total how many pyramid types are available? A. 2 B. 4 C. 1 D. 3 Ans. B
HDD is a ................... device. A. Output B. Input C. Memory D. Processor Ans. C
Which of the following is an assembler A. Convert low level language into machine language B. Linkers are the links in programs that are produced by compilers. C. Loaders of executable code D. Pre-processors that collect raw objects for further use by compilers Ans. A
In MS-Excel 2016, a worksheet or workbook may be protected using various available options. Which of the following options is INCORRECT in this regard? A. Protect and Share Workbook B. Protect Workbook C. Protect Worksheet D. Project and Share Worksheet Ans. D
Indicate the year of development of the first web browser. A. 1990 B. 1992 C. 1989 D. 1988 Ans. A
An Operating System does not perform which of the following tasks? A. Software Management B. Memory Management C. File Management D. Process Management Ans. A
The standard protocol of the internet is A. Http B. tcp/ip C. ftp D. html Ans. B
Reusable optical storage will typically have the acronym A. DVD B. CD C. ROM D. RW Ans. D
What is the term for a storage device that uses optical discs, such as CDs or DVDs, for data storage? A. SSD B. USB drive C. Blu-ray drive D. Cloud storage Ans. C
Which of the following is a commonly used file extension for video files? A. .mp3 B. .jpg C. .avi D. .pdf Ans. C
Which of the following is NOT a common web browser feature? A. Tabbed browsing B. Bookmarks C. Home page D. Desktop publishing Ans. D
What does SEO stand for in the context of online research and web content? A. Social Engagement Online B. Secure Email Operation C. Search Engine Optimization D. Server Error Output Ans. C
How many bytes are in a gigabyte (GB)? A. 1073741824 bytes B. 1024 bytes C. 1048576 bytes D. 1000000000 bytes Ans. A
How many bytes are in a kilobyte (KB)? A. 1000 Bytes B. 10240 Bytes C. 1048 Bytes D. 1024 Bytes Ans. D
What is the decimal equivalent of the hexadecimal number 1A? A. 16 B. 26 C. 10 D. 27 Ans. B
What is the hexadecimal equivalent of the binary number 1101? A. D B. 13 C. 7 D. A Ans. A
Which of the following is not the computer language? A. Unix B. C++ C. Java D. All of the above Ans. A
In general how much is the storage capacity of CD? A. 500 MB B. 25 GB C. 4.7 GB D. 700 MB Ans. D
Which of the following is not an Operating System? A. Windows XP B. Linux C. Ubuntu D. Apple Ans. D
What is the meaning of CC in Email? A. Cut and Copy B. Copy Case C. Carbon Copy D. Caste Copy Ans. C
When did MS Window operating System Started A. 1975 B. 1985 C. 1995 D. 1998 Ans. B
Arrange sequence of computer memory in increasing order of their size A. KB>GB>MB>TB B. KB>TB>GB>MB C. KB>MB>>GB>TB D. TB>KB>MB>GB Ans. C
What is the full form of USB in Computer? A. Universal security block B. Universal serial Bus C. Universal software Barrier D. Universal stage Base Ans. B
with reference to storage of data in computer, what is BYTE? A. a byte considered as a unit of memory size B. a group of binary digits or bits (usually eight) C. It is 10 bits long D. A and B both TRUE Ans. D
Full form of XML A. Extensible markup language B. Extreme Memory language C. Extensible Memory line D. Extra markup language Ans. A
Which of the following is available in the form of a PC now? A. Mainframe B. Micro Computer C. Mini Computer D. Both A & B Ans. B
Which of the following is a type of network A. Ring B. Bus C. Star D. PAN Ans. D
Which of the following is a network topology A. LAN B. WAN C. MAN D. BUS Ans. D
Which device connects a computer to the internet using a telephone line? A. Router B. Modem C. Switch D. Hub Ans. B
Which protocol is used for remotely accessing and managing network devices? A. FTP B. SNMP C. DNS D. HTTP Ans. B
What does ISP stand for in the context of internet connectivity? A. Internet Service Provider B. Internet Security Protocol C. Internet Speed Test D. International Server Protocol Ans. A
Which of the following is a top-level domain (TLD) used for educational institutions and universities? A. .gov B. .com C. .edu D. .org Ans. C
Which protocol is commonly used for secure communication over the internet? A. HTTP B. FTP C. SSL/TLS D. SMTP Ans. C
What is the purpose of a firewall in a computer network? A. To provide internet access B. To block unauthorized access C. To boost network speed D. To filter emails Ans. B
Which of the following devices is responsible for connecting multiple computers in a local area network (LAN)? A. Router B. Modem C. Switch D. Firewall Ans. C
What does DNS stand for? A. Dynamic Network System B. Data Network Security C. Digital Naming Service D. Domain Name System Ans. D
What does IP stand for in the context of computer networks? A. Internet Protocol B. Internal Protocol C. Information Protocol D. Internet Provider Ans. A
Which of the following is a characteristic of SSDs (Solid-State Drives)? A. High storage capacity B. Slow data access times C. No moving parts D. Low durability Ans. C
Which of the following is NOT a type of Operating System? A. Unix B. Microsoft Edge C. Android D. Linux Mint Ans. B
TFT is a screen technology. What is the full form of TFT? A. Thin Fixed Transistor B. Thin Film Transporter C. Thin Film Transistor D. Thermal Film Transistor Ans. C
Win + R Shortcut key opens the ______ dialog box in Windows XP. A. Tools B. Delete C. Save As D. Run Ans. D
‘C’ language was developed in which year? A. 1972-73 B. 1952-53 C. 1982-83 D. 1962-63 Ans. A
POP is used by email service providers. What is the full form of POP? A. Past Office Protocol B. Post Order Protocol C. Post Orientated Protocol D. Post Office Protocol Ans. D
Which of the following is not a networking device? A. Switch B. Hub C. Keyboard D. Router Ans. C
What happens when you press Win + M in Windows XP? A. Maximizes all windows B. Minimizes all windows C. Close windows D. Opens My Documents Ans. B
Which of the following printer uses toner? A. Inkjet Printer B. Laser Printer C. Thermal Printer D. Daisy Wheel Printer Ans. B
Which of the following is NOT a valid IP address? A. B. C. 678.120.1.1 D. Ans. C
Three of the given options are alike in some manner. Find the odd one out. A. Compiler B. Java C. FORTRAN D. COBOL Ans. A
What was the first high-level programming language? A. C B. FORTRAN C. COBOL D. C++ Ans. B
What is a URL extension that is often used for non-profit organizations? A. .org B. .com C. .gov D. .net Ans. A
What is the purpose of a URL? A. To create graphics B. To specify the address of a resource on the internet C. To send emails D. To connect with internet Ans. B
Internet Explorer comes along with A. Linux B. Windows C. MAC D. Android Ans. B
VLSI is used in _________ Generation of computer A. First B. Second C. Third D. Fourth Ans. D
Which of the following is invalid type of memory A. RAM (Random Access Memory) B. ROM (Read Only Memory) C. PRAM (Programmable Read Access Only Memory ) D. EPROM (Erasable Programmable Read Only Ans. C
Software required to run the hardware is known as A. Device Driver B. Task Manager C. Task Bar D. Joystick Ans. A
Which one is not an Image file ? A. .wmv B. .bmp C. .jpg D. .png Ans. A
The Process of erasing a disk is called : A. Wiping B. Formatting C. Cleaning D. Degragmenting Ans. B
Internet Explorer is used for : A. Viewing Movie B. Listening Music C. Viewing Web Pages D. Viewing Files & Folder Ans. C
In which situation running applications of an user account remains active ? A. When we Log Off B. When we Switch User C. When we Shut Down D. When we Reboot Ans. B
The IC chip used in computers is made of A. Chomium B. Iron Oxide C. Silica D. Silicon Ans. D
An error is also known as A. Debug B. Bug C. Icon D. None of the above Ans. B
Time during which a job is processed by the computer is A. Execution Time B. Delay Time C. Real Time D. Waiting Time Ans. A
Which of the following memory is non-volatile? A. SRAM B. DRAM C. ROM D. ALL of the Above Ans. C
COBOL Stands for A. Common Business Oriented Language B. Common Business Oracle Language C. Common Bus Oriented Language D. Command Business Oriented Language Ans. A
what is the binery number of decimal number 253 A. 11110101 B. 11100011 C. 11010101 D. 11111101 Ans. D
what is the Octal number of decimal number 126? A. 180 B. 177 C. 176 D. 181 Ans. C
what is the Decimal number of 1000101? A. 69 B. 70 C. 71 D. 68 Ans. A
Interpreter is used as a translator for A. Low level language B. High Level Language C. COBOL D. C Language Ans. B
What is the full form of APIPA? A. Automatic Public Internet Protocol Addressing B. Automatic Private Internet Protocol Addressing C. Automatic Public Investment Procedure Assembly D. Authorised Private Internet Protocol Addressing Ans. B
Which of the following is NOT a ‘Math & Trig’ function in formulas menu, in MS-Excel? A. LCM B. Switch C. Log D. Sum Ans. B
‘TRUE’ function belongs to which category of functions in MS-Excel? A. Financial B. Logical C. Date & Time D. Text Ans. B
Which of the following is not a function in Home tab of MS-PowerPoint 2016? A. New Slide B. Section C. Find D. Slide Design Ans. D
Which of the following is not a part of the “Review” menu in MS-Word 2016? A. Table of Contents B. Word Count C. New Comment D. Compare Ans. A
For changing theme of Windows XP, which option should we select? A. Double click on My computer > C Drive > Program Files B. Left click on My Computer > C Drive > Change Theme C. Right Click on Desktop > Properties > Themes D. Right Click on My Network Places > Properties > IPV4 Ans. C
The purpose of ‘New Window’ option in View menu of PowerPoint is to ______. A. Open another file in another window B. Open another file in same window C. Open the new blank presentation D. Open the same presentation in another window Ans. D
Which of the following is an option of File menu in MS-Excel 2016? A. Add sheet B. Close C. Layout D. Insert Ans. B
What is the shortcut key to get “Font” dialog box in MS-Word? A. Ctrl + D B. Ctrl + L C. Ctrl + Shift + R D. Ctrl + Y Ans. A
Which of the following options is correct about the resizing of a cell in MS-Excel? A. Row height and column width can be adjusted B. Row width and column height can be adjusted C. Only Column height can be adjusted D. Only Row width can be adjusted Ans. A
Which of the followings is NOT a standard type of document in Mail merge? A. Envelope B. Letter C. Wedding card D. Directory Ans. C
Which of the following is not an option to apply ‘Conditional Formatting’ in MS-Excel 2016? A. Font color B. Data bars C. Highlight cell rules D. Top/ Bottom rules Ans. A
Memory management is a feature/part of ______. A. Monitor B. Application Software C. Scanner D. System Software Ans. D
The function of drawing a line cutting through the middle of the selected text is known as ______. A. Subscript B. Change case C. Strikethrough D. Superscript Ans. C
What is the full form of CUI in system software? A. Code User Identification B. Character Useable Interconnection C. Code User Interface D. Character User Interface Ans. D
In which year was Windows XP launched by Microsoft? A. 1999 B. 2001 C. 2000 D. 1998 Ans. B
Daisy Wheel is a type of ______ A. Printer B. Speaker C. Monitor D. Scanner Ans. A
What is the file extension of an MS-Word 2016 file? A. .xlsx B. .exe C. .docx D. .pdf Ans. C
निम्नलिखित में से कौन सा एक इनपुट/आउटपुट डिवाइस नहीं है? A. टचपैड B. RAM C. ट्रैकबॉल D. माइक्रोफ़ोन Ans. B
फोरट्रान (FORTRAN) के बारे में निम्नलिखित में से कौनसा सही है? A. यह कंप्यूटर मेमोरी का एक हिस्सा है B. यह प्रोसेसर का एक हिस्सा है C. यह एक प्रकार का प्रिंटर है D. यह एक प्रोग्रामिंग लैंग्वेज (भाषा) है Ans. D
ई-मेल का उपयोग पहली बार ______ पर किया गया था। A. HTTPS B. URL C. ARPANET D. OSI Model Ans. C
What is the full form of EPROM? A. Electric Programmable Read Only Memory B. Electric Programmable Random Organisation Memory C. Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory D. Erasable Portable Read Only Memory Ans. C
एसेंबलर के बारे में निम्नलिखित में से कौन सही है? A. यह एक प्रकार का एंटीवायरस है जिसका उपयोग कंप्यूटर की गति बढ़ाने के लिए किया जाता है B. यह हार्ड कॉपी आउटपुट डिवाइस को सॉफ्ट कॉपी आउटपुट डिवाइस में परिवर्तित करता है C. यह एसेंबली लैंग्वेज (भाषा) और कंप्यूटर प्रोसेसर में लिखित प्रतीकात्मक कोडित निर्देशों के बीच सेतु का काम करता है D. यह यूजर और एप्लिकेशन सॉफ्टवेयर के बीच इंटरफेस का काम करता है Ans. C
निम्नलिखित में से किस इनपुट/आउटपुट डिवाइस का उपयोग दूसरी पीढ़ी (सेकंड जनरेशन) के कंप्यूटर में किया गया था? A. जॉयस्टिक B. माउस C. OCR D. पंच कार्ड Ans. D
MS-Excel 2016 में, किस फ़ंक्शन द्वारा हम पासवर्ड की सहायता से कार्यपत्रक में नई पंक्तियों और स्तंभों का जोड़ना रोक सकते हैं? A. View मेनू > Window समूह > Switch window B. Review मेनू > Changes समूह > Protect Workbook C. Data मेनू > Outline उपसमूह > Ungroup D. Review मेनू > Changes समूह > Protect Sheet Ans. D
What is the purpose of “Wrap Text” command in MS-Excel? A. To adjust extra-long text into multiple lines so you can see all of it B. To merge the cells into one cell C. To convert rows into columns D. To count number of rows in text Ans. A
Register is a part of which of the following? A. Input Devices B. Processor C. Hard Disk D. Output Devices Ans. B
What is the short-cut command to increase the font size of selected text in MS-Word? A. Ctrl + ] B. Ctrl + - C. Alt + [ D. Ctrl + + Ans. A
Which function is used to create a new file in MS-Word? A. Open B. New C. Save D. Save As Ans. B
What is the shortcut for redo/repeat operation in MS-Word? A. Ctrl + Y B. Ctrl + Z C. Ctrl + X D. Ctrl + C Ans. A
What is the purpose of using ‘MIN’ function in MS-Excel? A. To calculate mean of the selected values B. To calculate sum of the selected values C. To enter the minute value in time format D. To calculate minimum value from the selected data Ans. D
Which of the following is NOT a valid page size in Page Layout tab of MS-Excel? A. A4 B. Legal C. Executive D. Landscape Ans. D
Which of the following is a dedicated protocol to transfer large data file transfer to and from a local drive and Server space? A. SMTP B. HTTPS C. FTP D. HTTP Ans. C
If a formula is copied from one cell to another, then which symbol is used for absolute cell referencing (location of specific cell) in MS-Excel? A. : B. = C. @ D. $ Ans. D
मेल मर्ज के संबंध में, क्या हम ई-मेल संदेश के विषय बॉक्स (सब्जेक्ट बॉक्स) में मर्ज फ़ील्ड का उपयोग कर सकते हैं? A. हम विषय बॉक्स में लिफ़ाफ़े (एन्वेलप्स) बना सकते हैं। B. नहीं, हम ई-मेल संदेश के विषय बॉक्स में केवल पाठ टाइप कर सकते हैं। C. हम ई-मेल संदेश के विषय बॉक्स में लेबल बना सकते हैं। D. हाँ, हम ई-मेल संदेश के विषय बॉक्स में केवल पाठ टाइप कर सकते हैं। Ans. D
24 कक्षों (4 पंक्तियों और 6 स्तंभों) में छात्रों के अंकों का एक आव्यूह (मैट्रिक्स) है। केवल 4 कक्षों (4 पंक्तियाँ और 1 स्तंभ) का एक नया आव्यूह बनाने के लिए सभी पंक्तियों के सभी 6 स्तंभों को मिलाना (मर्ज करना) है। इसके लिए MS-Excel में कौन सी कमांड उपलब्ध है? A. Unmerge cells (अनमर्ज सैल) B. Merge across (मर्ज अक्रॉस) C. Merge cells (मर्ज सैल) D. Merge and Center (मर्ज एंड सेंटर) Ans. C
Which of the following is NOT a web browser? A. Google Chrome B. Firefox C. Safari D. Microsoft Team Ans. D
MS-Excel 2016 में किसी स्तंभ (Column) का आकार बढ़ाने या घटाने के लिए चरणों का सही क्रम क्या है? A. Home टैब का चयन करें > Cells > Format > Cell Size > स्तंभ का चयन करें B. स्तंभ का चयन करें > Home टैब > Cells > Format > Cell Size > Column width C. स्तंभ का चयन करें > Home टैब > Cells > Format > Cell Size > Column height D. Cells> पूरा डेटा चयन करें > Home टैब > Format > Cell Size > Row height Ans. B
By using which tab/menu, a new sheet can be inserted into an MS-Excel 2016 workbook? A. Home B. Insert C. View D. Page Layout Ans. A
Which of the following device is used by banking industry for verifying the originality of documents? A. Cheque code reader B. OMR C. OCR D. MICR Ans. D
Which of the following is an example of Application software? A. Microsoft Windows B. Linux C. VLC media player D. Unix Ans. C
In a Slide Sorter view, which of the following tasks cannot be performed with the selected slide? A. Inserting a table B. Change in Format background C. Adding a section D. Adding a new slide Ans. A
MS-Word 2016 में एक नई मेल मर्ज सूची बनाने के लिए चरणों का सही क्रम क्या है? A. Review > Select Recipients > Type New List B. Mailings > Select Recipients > Type New List C. Mailings > Start Mail Merge > Labels D. Mailings > Start Mail Merge > Type New List Ans. B
In MS-Excel 2016, which menu/tab contains the ‘Lock cell’ option? A. File B. Data C. Home D. Page Layout Ans. C
_______ is the short-cut for activating/deactivating superscript in MS-Word. A. Alt + Shift + + B. Ctrl + Shift + - C. Ctrl + Shift + = D. Alt + Shift + = Ans. C
The option of E-postage in MS-Word 2016 can be selected from ______. A. File > Options > E-Postage B. Mailings > Labels > E-Postage C. Review > Tracking > E-postage D. View > Outline > E-postage Ans. B
Which of the following is NOT an available setting for print function in MS-Word? A. Number of copies B. Orientation C. Margins D. Change the font color Ans. D
क्लाउड कंप्यूटिंग के बारे में निम्नलिखित में से कौन सा कथन सही है? A. इसमें मौसम पूर्वानुमान शामिल है। B. यह केवल फाइलों को होस्ट करने की सुविधा देता है, प्रोग्रामों को नहीं। C. इसमें वेबसर्वर पर होस्ट की गई फ़ाइलों/प्रोग्रामों के साथ काम करना शामिल है। D. यह इंटरनेट से जुड़ने की आवश्यकता को समाप्त करता है। Ans. C
कौन सा फ़ाइल सॉर्टर दृश्य, हमें किसी फ़ोल्डर में फ़ाइल नाम के साथ सभी फ़ाइलों का फ़ाइल आकार जानने में मदद करता है? A. List (लिस्ट) B. Details (डिटेल्स) C. Tiles (टाइल्स) D. Large icons (लार्ज आइकॉन लिस्ट टाइल्स) Ans. B
Which of the following menu gives the options regarding movement between slides in MS-PowerPoint 2016? A. Transition B. View C. Design D. Home Ans. A
Which of the following is used to change the color of text in MS-Excel? A. Fill color B. Bold function C. Font color D. Insert cell color Ans. C
एक समूह में पाँच आइटम हैं, जिनमें से प्रत्येक, समूह के कुल मान के लिए कुछ मान का योगदान करते हैं। प्रत्येक आइटम के योगदान को प्रतिशत में दिखाने के लिए किस प्रकार का चार्ट सबसे उपयुक्त होगा? A. दंड (बार) चार्ट B. पंक्ति (लाइन) चार्ट C. हिस्टोग्राम D. पाई चार्ट Ans. D
Windows में सॉफ़्टवेयर की स्थापना निर्देशिकाओं के लिए डिफ़ॉल्ट स्थान ______ है। A. D:Program Files B. Program Files:
ew installation C. E:Program Files D. C:Program Files Ans. D
यह जाँचने के लिए कि क्या हमारा कंप्यूटर एक ऐसी प्रक्रिया / कार्य के कारण धीमी गति से काम कर रहा है जो उच्च मात्रा में RAM का उपयोग कर रहा है, और उस कार्य को समाप्त करने के लिए हमें ______ पर जाने की आवश्यकता होती है। A. My Computer (माई कम्प्यूटर) B. My Files (माई फाइल्स) C. Task Manager (कार्य प्रबंधक) D. Task Bar (कार्य पट्टी) Ans. C
MS-Word में, एक तालिका (टेबल) में Cell margin को किस मेनू से चुना जा सकता है? A. Design (डिज़ाइन) B. File (फाइल) C. View (व्यू) D. Layout (लेआउट) Ans. D
वर्ष 2018 परीक्षा के लिए 100 छात्रों के अंकों का डेटा दिया है। समान अंक प्राप्त करने वाले छात्रों का चयन करना है। Excel में इसके लिए किस फ़ंक्शन का उपयोग किया जाएगा? A. Home मेनू में Sort B. Color scales C. Highlight cells rule D. Find & select Ans. A
MS-Word 2016 दस्तावेज़ में किस मेनू से हम स्प्रेडशीट जोड़ सकते हैं? A. Home > SmartArt B. Insert > Table C. Insert > Shapes D. Insert > Chart Ans. B
Which of the following is a type of internet connection used to connect to the Internet? A. ZIP B. POP C. SMTP D. Dialup Ans. D
Which of the following option is NOT a part of the page break in MS-Word A. Column B. Page C. Text Wrapping D. Even Page Ans. C
Compiler is used to convert.... A. High-Level Language to Machine Language B. Application Software to System Software C. Machine Language to Assembly Language D. Assembly Language to Machine Language Ans. A
Which of the following is the Brain of Computer? A. Memory B. ALU C. CPU D. CU Ans. C
SMTP stands for
A. Simple Markup Transfer Protocol B. Simple Mail Transfer Protocol C. Static Mail Transfer Protocol D. None of the above Ans. B
GPS stands for
A. Global Positioning System B. General Positioning System C. Graphical Positioning System D. None of the above Ans. A
HTTP stands for
A. Hyper Text Markup Language B. Hyper Text Transaction Language C. Hyper Text Transfer Protocol D. None of the above Ans. A
What is the full form of PNG? A. Picture Network Graphics B. Personal Network Graphics C. Portable Network Graphics D. None Ans. C
Which of the following HTML tag is the special formatting tag?
A. P B. B C. PRE D. None Ans. C
Which of the following HTML tag is used to display the text with scrolling effect?
A. marquee B. scroll C. div D. None of the above Ans. A
Which of the following attribute is used to provide a unique name to an element?
A. class B. id C. type D. None of the above Ans. B
The tag in HTML is used for -
A. new line B. vertical ruler C. new paragraph D. horizontal ruler Ans. D
HTML tags are enclosed in-
A. # and # B. { and } C. ! and ? D. < and > Ans. A
Which of the following tag is used to define options in a drop-down selection list?
A. Select B. List C. Dropdown D. Option Ans. D
Which of the following tag is used to make the underlined text?
A. I B. UL C. U D. PRE Ans. C
Which of the following element is responsible for making the text italic in HTML?
A. I B. Italic C. IT D. PRE Ans. A
How to create an ordered list (a list with the list items in numbers) in HTML?
A. UL B. OL C. LI D. I Ans. B
How to create an unordered list (a list with the list items in bullets) in HTML?
A. ul B. ol C. li D. i Ans. A
Which of the following tag is used to insert a line-break in HTML?
A. BR B. A C. PRE D. B Ans. A
Which of the following tag is used for inserting the largest heading in HTML?
A. H# B. H1 C. H5 D. H6 Ans. B
Which of the following element is responsible for making the text bold in HTML?
A. PRE B. A C. B D. BR Ans. C
The correct sequence of HTML tags for starting a webpage is -
A. Head, Title, HTML, body B. HTML, Body, Title, Head C. HTML, Head, Title, Body D. HTML, Head, Title, Body Ans. D
HTML stands for -
A. HighText Machine Language B. HyperText and links Markup Language C. HyperText Markup Language D. None of these Ans. C
Which of the following shortcut key is used to show or hide the grid in powerpoint?
A. Shift + F9 B. Shift + F1 C. Shift + F2 D. None of the above Ans. A
Which of the following shortcut key is used to change the case of the selected text?
A. Shift + F3 B. Shift + F1 C. Shift + F2 D. None of the above Ans. A
Which of the following menu in powerpoint includes the Picture, Text Box, Shapes, Clip Art?
A. File B. Insert C. Design D. None of the above Ans. B
Which of the following is the collection of design choices, including special effects, colors, and fonts?
A. Data B. Theme C. Slide D. None of the above Ans. B
What is the slide transition?
A. Letters B. Overheads C. It is a special effect used to introduce a slide in a slide show. D. None of the above Ans. C
The special effects in a powerpoint presentation used to introduce slides are called as -
A. Effect B. Transitions C. Slide animation D. Custom animation Ans. B
Which of the following is the best way to create a duplicate slide?
A. Click the slide and select it using Ctrl + A, then copy it and paste it into new slide. B. Redo everything on new slide C. Choose duplicate slide from insert slide D. None of the above Ans. C
In which of the following menu, the slide sorter view is available in powerpoint?
A. Insert B. View C. Design D. Animations Ans. B
Which of the following is not a type of view in powerpoint?
A. Slide show B. Slide sorter C. Normal D. None of the above Ans. D
The shortcut to print powerpoint presentation is -
A. Ctrl + A B. Ctrl + P C. Ctrl + Shift + P D. All of the above Ans. B
Which of the following feature of powerpoint allows us to quickly create a simple presentation?
A. Chart Wizard B. Auto content wizard C. Transition wizard D. None of the above Ans. B
Which of the following is used to see all slides at once?
A. Using slide sorter view B. Using slide view C. Using normal view D. None of the above Ans. A
Which of the following are the uses of the PowerPoint presentation?
A. It can be used for project presentations B. Communication of planning C. Used to represent the data in an attractive way D. All of the above Ans. D
Which of the following is the shortcut key used to start the presentation from the current slide?
A. F5 B. Shift + F5 C. Ctrl + F5 D. None of the above Ans. B
What is the motion path in powerpoint?
A. A path from where the powerpoint program installed B. A method of moving the objects on a slide C. Both (a) and (b) D. Neither (a) and (b) Ans. B
What is the shortcut key to insert a hyperlink in the slide?
A. Ctrl + H B. Ctrl + K C. Ctrl + A D. Not possible to insert hyperlinks Ans. B
What happens when you select first and second slide and then try to insert the new slide?
A. New slide will be inserted as first slide B. New slide will be inserted as last slide C. New slide will be inserted as third slide D. None of the above Ans. C
Which of the following shortcut key in powerpoint is used to repeat the recent find?
A. F1 B. F2 C. F3 D. F4 Ans. D
Which of the following are the types of sound files?
A. WAV files B. LOG files C. DAT files D. None of the above Ans. A
Which of the following option is correct to insert the chart as part of the powerpoint presentation?
A. Insert -> Chart B. Edit -> Chart C. View -> Chart D. All of the above Ans. A
Which of the following fill effects can be used to fill the background of the slide?
A. Picture B. Gradient C. Texture D. All of the above Ans. D
Which of the following is the shortcut key for checking the spelling in PowerPoint?
A. F5 B. F7 C. F6 D. F3 Ans. B
Is it possible to apply the same transition on all slides in a powerpoint presentation?
A. True B. False C. Can Not say D. May be Ans. A
In PowerPoint, is it allowed to make a PDF of the powerpoint presentation?
A. False B. True C. Can Not say D. May be Ans. B
Which of the following command in powerpoint is used to bring the user directly to the last slide of the presentation?
A. Ctrl + End B. Alt + End C. Shift + End D. End Ans. A
Which of the following command in powerpoint is used to bring the user directly to the first slide of the presentation?
A. Ctrl + Home B. Alt + Home C. Shift + Home D. Home Ans. A
In Powerpoint, the objects on the slide used to hold the text are called as -
A. Placeholders B. Textbox C. Text holders D. None of the above Ans. A
Which of the following shortcut key is used to stop the slide show?
A. Esc key B. Ctrl + O C. Ctrl + N D. Ctrl + K Ans. A
Which of the following is the shortcut key to open the existing presentation in the powerpoint?
A. Ctrl + M B. Ctrl + N C. Ctrl + O D. Ctrl + K Ans. C
Which of the following is the default standard layout in PowerPoint?
A. Blank slide B. Title and content slide C. Title slide D. None of the above Ans. C
What we have to type in the Run dialog box to open Powerpoint?
A. Powerpoint B. PowerPoint C. Pwrpoint D. Powerpnt Ans. D
The maximum percentage of zoom in PowerPoint is -
A. 400% B. 200% C. 350% D. 100% Ans. A
Which of the following is the shortcut key to insert a new slide between the current presentation?
A. Ctrl + N B. Ctrl + K C. Ctrl + M D. Ctrl + O Ans. C
Which of the following shortcut key is used to start the slideshow?
A. Using F5 key B. Using F3 key C. Using F1 key D. Using F6 key Ans. A
In a presentation of PowerPoint, the special effects used to introduce slides are known as -
A. Custom Animation B. Transitions C. Annotations D. None of the above Ans. B
Which of the following is called as page to create a presentation in PowerPoint?
A. Sheet B. Slide C. Paper D. None of the above Ans. B
Which of the following is the file extension of the PowerPoint application?
A. .pptx B. .jpg C. .html D. .docs Ans. A
What is a Microsoft PowerPoint?
A. Spreadsheet Program B. Presentation Program C. Database Program D. All of the above Ans. B
Delete the selected item without moving it to the recycle bin first?
A. Ctrl + Del B. Shift + Del C. Alt + Del D. None Ans. B
File ___ shrinks the size of a file so it requires less storage space.
A. Compression B. Defragmenting C. Synthesizing D. Scanning Ans. A
___ are graphical objects used to represent commonly used application. A. Windows B. Icons C. Drivers D. GUI Ans. B
Which of the following operating systems is not owned and licensed by a company?
A. Windows B. Mac C. Linux D. Unix Ans. A
The basic operation performed by a computer is
A. Storage and retrieval operations B. Logic operations C. Arithmetic operations D. All of the above Ans. D
The input device to be used to get a printed diagram into a computer, is
A. Touch pad B. Scanner C. Mouse D. Printer Ans. B
_____ is a Window utility program that locates and eliminates unnecessary fragments and rearranges files and unused disk space to optimize operations.
A. Disk Defragmenter B. Restore C. Disk Cleanup D. Backup Ans. A
Which combination of keys on the keyboard arranges all the open windows in a 3D stack that you
can easily flip throuqh?
A. Alt + Tab B. Windows logo key + Tab C. Ctrl + Tab D. Shift + Tab Ans. B
Which of the following statements about the Windows Taskbar are correct?
A. The Taskbar can never be hidden. B. The Taskbar cannot be moved or resized. C. The Taskbar displays buttons representing computer programs currently running D. Non of the above Ans. C
Which of the following statements about the Recycle Bin is correct?
A. Once a file has been sent to the Recycle Bin, it cannot be restored B. Files in the Recycle Bin can be restored from the File -> Restore menu, but they are sent to the Windows -> Temp directory . C. Files in the Recycle Bin can be restored, and they are sent back to their original directory (where they were located before deletion) D. There is no way to specify the size of the Recycle Bin Ans. C
What is the purpose of the Run option on the Start Menu?
A. It is used to launch the Internet browser. B. It is used to open the Internet Explorer C. It can be used to open any program. D. It is used to edit text files. Ans. C
There is some different between folder and file?
A. Yes. B. No. C. D. Ans. A
What do you type to make search only on the file of size 4 characters that beginning with letter a
and end with letter h and the extension of the file start with letter d
A. a*h.doc B. a??h.d* C. a?*h.* D. *h.d* Ans. B
How do you change the date and/or time of your PC?
A. Start Menu Control Panel Date and Time. B. click on the time which is appear on the right of Taskbar. C. Right click on desktop, then choose TimeDate. D. A & B Ans. D
How do you shut down your computer?
A. Press on the PC power button to be off. B. From start menu choose shut down. C. Unplug the wire from your PC. D. Non of the above. Ans. B
To rename a file Test.DOC to Test.txt
A. Click on the file using the left mouse button, the name will be highlighted, and then type the new name. B. Click on the file using the mouse right button, select Rename from the pop-up menu, and then type the new name. C. Using windows Explorer Click on the file using the mouse left button, select Rename from the File menu, and then type the new name. D. b and c Ans. D
To move a file from one folder to another,
A. You can use copy and paste. B. You can use cut and paste. C. You can use cut and copy. D. b and c. Ans. B
To copy a file from one folder to another,
A. Select the file, press the right mouse button select copy, go to the destination folder, press the right mouse button select Past. B. Select the file, press and hold on the left mouse button, go to the destination folder, release the mouse button, and select copy here from the pop-up menu. C. Select the file, press and hold on the left mouse button, go to the destination folder, and release the mouse button. D. Non of the above. Ans. A
To change the appearance of your desktop,
A. You have to buy a new computer B. You can click the right mouse button on the desktop and select properties. C. You can adjust the settings by choosing Accessories from the Start button. D. You cannot change the properties of the desktop Ans. B
You can change the screen saver in win. 7 through the:
A. Accessibility Options Icon in Control Panel windows. B. System Icon in Control Panel windows C. Date/Time Icon in Control Panel windows. D. Display Icon in Control Panel windows. Ans. D
Screen Saver enables you to A. Save the power dissipated by computer when you leave it operates alone. B. Protect your computer from accessing by another users when you make password enabled. C. Display another picture for your screen after specified time. D. All of the above. Ans. C
You can change the background of disk top from.
A. Taskbar properties. B. Add/Remove programs on control panel. C. Display properties. D. None of the above. Ans. C
The Date/Time icon on control panel used to.
A. Change computer time. B. Change computer date. C. Display Computer Date & Time D. All of Above Ans. D
When you select properties from context menu of disk top, you will open.
A. Display properties. B. Taskbar properties. C. Control panel. D. None of the above. Ans. A
An operating system is a computer program which has many functions, one of these functions is:
A. It can link it self to other programs. B. It can store huge amounts of data. C. It Manages computer files D. It is used to store user programs and data. Ans. C
You can get a popup (context) menu in Windows 7 by:
A. Right-Clicking on the desktop. B. Left-Clicking on My Computer. C. Left-Clicking the start button, then selecting Windows Explorer from the Programs menu D. Double-clicking on My Computer Ans. A
When you double-click on an icon, you will _________________ it.
A. Highlight B. Disable C. Open D. Select Ans. C
Windows 7 is an example of a(n)
A. operating system. B. graphical user interface C. application software. D. basic tools. Ans. A
We can copy, move, paste and rename files and folders by using. A. Windows Explorer. B. Control Panel C. System Tools D. None of the above Ans. A
To launch an application in Windows, you can _____________ on its icon..
A. Click B. Drag C. Double click D. none of the above Ans. C
The easiest way to move a file from one folder to another in windows o.s. is to:
A. Use Copy and Paste. B. Use Cut and Copy. C. Use Drag and Drop. D. . Use Cut and Drop Ans. C
When you select search icon from start menu and type S*S.doc, this means that:
A. The computer will find all files that have extension doc only. B. The computer will find all files that have only three letters and extension is doc C. The computer will find all files that have first and last letter is S and extension is doc. D. None of the above Ans. C
When you select search icon from start menu and you type ???.txt, this mean that:
A. The computer will find all files that have extension txt only B. The computer will find all files that have only three letters with all extensions. C. The computer will find all files that have three letter and extension txt only. D. None of the above Ans. C
To open a minimized window, you can click on the:-
A. window’s button on the body of the taskbar. B. maximized button on the title bar. C. restore button on the title bar. D. all of the above. Ans. A
The Shutdown icon on start menu means:
A. Close all windows. B. Close the current windows. C. . Close your computer. D. None of the above Ans. C
The desktop is:
A. An example of a hardware device. B. A folder. C. A file D. A window. Ans. B
The documents that is located in start menu store.
A. The last 15 files that you have open. B. The last 15 files that you have delete. C. The last 15 files that you have copy. D. None of the above. Ans. A
Which of the following statements is correct about opening control panel.
A. You can open control panel from windows explorer. B. You can open control panel from start menu. C. You can open control panel from my computer. D. All of the above. Ans. D
Which of the following statements is correct about arrange icon on desktop.
A. Icons on desktop can be arranged by name. B. Icons on desktop can be arranged by type. C. Icons on desktop can be arranged by size. D. All of the above. Ans. D
When you delete a file,
A. A copy of the file will be sent to the desktop B. You send the file to the Recycle Bin. C. The file will not be affected. D. A copy of the file will be stored in your active folder. Ans. B
The extension is used to identify the ………………..of the file.
A. Path B. Type C. Location D. Name Ans. B
Which of the tools is used to delete the unnecessary files in computer?
A. Scan Disk B. Defragment C. Disk Cleanup D. None Ans. C
A folder within a folder is called…………….
A. Sub-Folder B. Container Folder C. Internal Folder D. None Ans. A
Icons are the ………………..that represents a program or file.
A. Big Pictures B. Small Graphics C. Picture D. Command File Ans. B
To delete the selected file permanently from hard disk press……………….
A. Del B. Shift + Del C. Ctrl + Del D. Ctrl + Del Ans. B
All deleted files and folder are temporarily store in …………..
A. My Computer B. My Document C. Recycle Bin D. None Ans. C
File Explorer is a ……………….
A. Application Program B. System Program C. Both D. None Ans. B
.EXE is the extension of ………………….
A. Document file B. Executable File C. Image File D. None Ans. B
………………….are the separate area in drives to store more than one files.
A. Files B. Folders C. Both D. None Ans. B
File explorer allows you to ……………….the files and folders.
A. Setting B. Managing C. Both D. None Ans. B
All the folders are display as ……………….icon in windows.
A. Red B. Green C. Yellow D. None Ans. C
The shortcut to open file explorer …………..
A. Win + E B. Ctrl + S C. Win + F D. None Ans. A
The extension for picture files is…………………
A. .Mp3 B. .Jpg C. .exe D. dat Ans. B
………………used to set the current date, time, number and currency format.
A. System B. Power Option C. Region & Language D. None Ans. C
…………………displays the basic information about your PC.
A. System B. User Account C. Network D. None Ans. A
…………….is used to set the speed of mouse movement.
A. Keyboard B. Mouse C. Sound D. System Ans. B
To Move the mouse pointer through keyboard, use the ………….. icon.
A. Mouse B. Keyboard C. System D. Ease of Access Center Ans. D
The mouse pointer is controlled using the ………………………….from keyboard.
A. Numeric Key B. Hot Keys C. Functions Key D. None Ans. A
…………………is not an icon in control panel.
A. Font B. Network C. Print D. Date / Time Ans. C
Which control panel icon will allow you to set up parental controls?
A. User Account B. Program & Features C. Keyboard D. None Ans. A
Which control panel icon will allow you to adjust the screen brightness? A. Sound B. Mouse C. Power Option D. All Ans. C
Control Panel is a ………………………
A. Document program B. Setting Program C. Image Program D. None Ans. B
MR button is used for ………………. the store memory value in calculator.
A. View B. Add C. Subtract D. None Ans. A
To store the current value in calculator memory …………….
A. MR B. MS C. MC D. None Ans. B
The minimum font size in wordpad……………..
A. 8 B. 0 C. 72 D. 1 Ans. D
The default extension of ms-paint is ……………
A. .png B. .jpg C. .bmp D. none Ans. A
The default extension of wordpad is ……………
A. txt B. .doc C. .rtf D. .png Ans. C
Wordpad is a …………………………….
A. Word Processing Program B. Text Editor Program C. Image Drawing Program D. None Ans. A
The Shortcut of Copy is …………………….
A. Ctrl + C B. Ctrl + U C. Ctrl + X D. None Ans. A
The Shortcut of minimize any application is …………………
A. Ctrl + M B. Win + D C. Win + M D. None Ans. B
LED stands for
A. Light Embedded Display B. Light Emitting Diode C. Liquid Emitting Diode D. None Ans. B
The extension of notepad’s file is
A. doc B. txt C. png D. none Ans. B
Applications and documents of windows desktop are represented by
A. Graph B. Labels C. Icons D. Symbols Ans. C
GUI stands for ……………………
A. Graphical User Interface B. Graphical Unit interface C. Graph User Interface D. None Ans. A
MS-Windows is a ……………………………… Operating System.
A. Single Tasking B. Multi-Tasking C. Both D. None Ans. B
A computer can perform …………………….. operation.
A. Arithmetic B. Logical C. Both A & B D. None Ans. C
. Animation involves displaying at least 30 still
images in a fraction of a second.
A. True B. False C. D. Ans. A
includes only text.
A. True B. False C. D. Ans. B
main aim of data processing is to transform data into information.
A. True B. False C. D. Ans. A
A byte consists of 16 binary digits.
A. True B. False C. D. Ans. B
Assembly language code is machine dependant.
A. True B. False C. D. Ans. A
Labels are optional in assembly language.
A. True B. False C. D. Ans. A
Binary language programs can be written to
efficiently utilize memory.
A. True B. False C. D. Ans. A
Excel is a word processing software
A. True B. False C. D. Ans. B
A compiled program executes slower than an
interpreted program.
A. True B. False C. D. Ans. B
Compiler translates one statement of high level
language program into machine language and executes it.
A. True B. False C. D. Ans. B
MS Word and Paint are examples of application
A. True B. False C. D. Ans. A
Application software provides a general programming
environment in which programmers can create specific applications
to suit their needs
A. True B. False C. D. Ans. B
CDs can store data on both sides of the disc.
A. True B. False C. D. Ans. B
ACD uses laser technology to read and write data on
the disc.
A. True B. False C. D. Ans. A
Hard disk drive is an example of ROM.
A. True B. False C. D. Ans. B
programs which are used to start the computer when it is turned on are stored
in RAM.
A. True B. False C. D. Ans. B
Laser printers cannot print text of different fonts.
A. True B. False C. D. Ans. B
Dot-matrix and daisywheel printers are examples of
impact printers.
A. True B. False C. D. Ans. A
Non-impact printers create characters by striking an
inked ribbon
against the paper.
A. True B. False C. D. Ans. B
can change the brightness, sharpness, and colour settings of the image when
using a projector.
A. True B. False C. D. Ans. A
Electronic distribution of a hard copy is cheaper,
faster, and easier
than soft copy.
A. True B. False C. D. Ans. B
data is faster in a soft copy output.
A. True B. False C. D. Ans. A
Hard copy output cannot be used by people who do not
have a computer.
A. True B. False C. D. Ans. B
copy output can be seen even when the computer is. switched off.
A. True B. False C. D. Ans. B
Webcams are used for videoconferencing and as
security cameras.
A. True B. False C. D. Ans. A
A computer with a microphone and speakers can be
used for videoconferencing.
A. True B. False C. D. Ans. A
OMR is used to verify the legitimacy or originality
of paper
A. True B. False C. D. Ans. B
Scanner is an input device. 31. OMR is used to
verify the legitimacy or originality of paper documents.
A. True B. False C. D. Ans. A
Mouse can be used to create graphics such as lines,
curves, and freehand shape on the screen.
A. True B. False C. D. Ans. A
is input device.
A. True B. False C. D. Ans. B
ALU manages and controls all components the computer
A. True B. False C. D. Ans. B
memory can used for permanently.
A. True B. False C. D. Ans. B
CPU can directly access primary memory.
A. True B. False C. D. Ans. B
Your computer has more primary memory than secondary
A. True B. False C. D. Ans. B
memory is faster than primary memory. for penetrating
A. True B. False C. D. Ans. B
use DSS to plan effective strategies their markets.
A. True B. False C. D. Ans. A
cannot work in high temperature, high pressure conditions, or in processes
which demand very high level of accuracy.
A. True B. False C. D. Ans. B
Robots are computer-controlled machines.
A. True B. False C. D. Ans. A
Computers cannot make decisions on their own.
A. True B. False C. D. Ans. A
data and programs have to be used, they are copied from the primary memory into
the secondary memory.
A. True B. False C. D. Ans. B
If input data is wrong, then the output will also be erroneous
A. True B. False C. D. Ans. A
is a reliable machine.
A. First B. False C. D. Ans. A
speed computer networks in the form of LANS, WANS. and MANS started growing in
third generation of computers
A. True B. False C. D. Ans. B
Pascal, COBOL, FORTRAN, and BASIC are all low level programming languages.
A. True B. False C. D. Ans. B
and MSI technology was used in fourth generation of computers.
A. True B. False C. D. Ans. B
Computers of fourth generation are faster, smaller,
more reliable, and more powerful than the computers
of first generation.
A. True B. False C. D. Ans. A
In second generation of computers, high level
languages were used.
A. True B. False C. D. Ans. A
generation of computers were more difficult to install and maintain than the
computers of first generation.
A. True B. False C. D. Ans. B
First generation of computers were expensive than
third generation of computers.
A. True B. False C. D. Ans. A
tubes and transistors emit a large amount of heat
A. True B. False C. D. Ans. A
Machine/assembly language was used in first
generation of computers.
A. True B. False C. D. Ans. A
1942-1955 marks the second generation of computers.
A. True B. False C. D. Ans. B
Computer and all its physical parts are known as
A. True B. False C. D. Ans. B
Knowledge is the application of data and
A. True B. False C. D. Ans. A
First generation of computers were used for
commercial applications.
A. True B. False C. D. Ans. B
First generation of computers required an entire room
for installation.
A. True B. False C. D. Ans. A
computer can perform thousands of instructions in one second
A. True B. False C. D. Ans. B
group of 8 binary digits is called a ...........
A. Nibble B. byte C. bit D. Word Ans. B
A group of 4
binary digits is called a ............
A. Nibble B. Bit C. Byte D. Word Ans. A
language is an example of which generation programming language?
A. First B. Second C. Third D. Fourth Ans. D
a mnemonic that specifies the operation that has to be performed
A. Operand B. Label C. .Opcode D. Comment Ans. C
Code written
in which language can be directly executed by the computer?
A. Compile B. Binary C. Assembler D. None Ans. B
Which software
is used by architects and engineers to create architectural
drawings, product designs, landscaping plans, and
engineering drawings?
A. Graphics B. Presentation C. CAD D. CAM Ans. C
To display a
sequence of images in a fraction of a second, you will need a -------- software.
A. Graphics B. Animation C. Presentation software D. Utility Ans. A
Photoshop Illustrator, Paint Shop Pro, and MS Paint are
examples of a. Word processing software.
A. Spreadsheet B. Database C. Word D. Graphics Ans. D
Which of the
following is used for database queries and reporting?
A. Word B. Excel C. Access D. All of these Ans. C
1.Which of the following has
complex formulas and functions to calculate variables in the data?
A. Microsoft Word B. Microsoft Excel C. Microsoft Access D. All of these Ans. B
1.Which application software
is used to write letters, memos, resumes, or forms?
A. Microsoft Word B. Microsoft Excel C. Microsoft Access D. All of these Ans. A
1.Which of the following
copies programs form a storage device to the main memory?
A. Compiler B. Interpreter C. Assembler D. Loader Ans. B
1.Which of the following
ensures that the system resources are utilized efficiently?
A. Compiler B. Operating System C. Utility software D. Application software Ans. D
1.Which of the following
enables the users to interact with hardware components efficiently?
A. Application software B. Communication C. Presentation software D. System software Ans. D
1.Identify the storage
device-an optical disc with storage capacity of 256 GB.
A. CD B. Blu Ray C. Memory card D. USB flash drive Ans. D
1.Identify the storage device
– an optical desc with storage capacity from 4.7 GB to 17 GB.
A. CD B. blu Ray C. DVD D. HDD Ans. C
1.Which storage device will
you use to back up large amount of data?
A. Magnetic hard disk B. ROM C. RAM D. Magnetic tape Ans. D
1.Which memory contains
permanent data?
A. RAM B. ROM C. Primary memory D. Secondary memory Ans. B
1.Which memory holds data and
programs not currently in use and provides long-term storage?
A. RAM B. ROM C. Primary memory D. Secondary memory Ans. D
1._____is the leading vendor
of plotters worldwide.
A. Hewlett-Packard B. Google C. Microsoft D. Nokia Ans. A
1.Which device will you use to
draw maps?
A. Laser printer B. Projector C. Plotter D. Dot matrix printer Ans. C
1.Which device will you use to
print vector graphics with a high print quality?
A. Laser printer B. Projector C. Plotter D. Dot matrix Printer Ans. C
If you want to print graphics of high quality, which printer would you use? A. Inkjet B. Band C. Any of them D. Both of them Ans. A
1.A printer can print only
using the standard font. Which printer are we talking about?
A. Laser B. Inkjet C. Dot matrix D. Thermal Ans. C
1.A printer can print carbon
copies of a document. Which printer are we talking about?
A. Laser B. Inkjet C. Dot matrix D. Thermal Ans. C
1.Which device allows users to
talk and listen at the same time?
A. Speaker B. Headphone C. Microphone D. Headset Ans. D
1.Which output device is used
in home theater systems?
A. Printer B. Plotter C. Projector D. Speakers Ans. C
camera and web camera are popular examples of a ______ input device
A. Audio B. Video C. Graphics D. Pointing Ans. B
of the Following convert audio data into digital data?
A. Sound card B. Video card C. Headphone D. Microphone Ans. A
1.Which input device will be
used to convert a printout into its digital image?
A. Bar code reader B. MICR reader C. Scanner D. OMR Ans. C
1._____is a pen-shaped input
device used to enter information or write on the touch screen of a phone.
A. Keyboard B. Joystick C. Mouse D. Stylus Ans. D
1.Name a cursor control device
widely used in computer games and CAD/CAM applications.
A. Keyboard B. Joystick C. Mouse D. Stylus Ans. B
1.GUI stands for _______.
A. Graphical User Interface B. Graphical User Input C. Graphically Used Interface D. Geometrical User Input Ans. A
1.Which key captures
everything on the screen as an image?
A. Control B. Function C. Print screen D. Insert Ans. C
1.Which key cancels the
selected option?
A. Home B. End C. Page Up D. Esc Ans. D
1.Which keys are used by
applications and operating systems to perform specific commands?
A. Function B. Numeric C. Arrow D. Typing Ans. A
1._______is the main input
A. Mouse B. Joystick C. Keyboard D. Touch screen Ans. C
Which of the following is
called the brain of the computer system?
A. CU B. MU C. ALU D. CPU Ans. D
1.In which part of the CPU are
all computations performed?
A. CU B. MU C. ALU D. Registers Ans. C
1.Computer understands only
________ language.
A. Assembly B. Binary C. High level D. SQL Ans. B
1.The process of entering data
and instructions into the computer system is called _____.
A. Input B. Output C. Processing D. Result Ans. A
1.Which type of computer
system is the best for analyzing the credit histories for loan approval?
A. Robots B. DSS C. Expert system D. Supercomputer Ans. C
1.Which type of computer
system is used by manages to analyse their business?
A. Robots B. DSS C. Expert system D. Supercomputer Ans. B
1.CRAY XMP is used for ………………
A. Education B. Multimedia and entertainment C. Weather forecasting D. Banking Ans. C
1.Name an Indian
1.Which type of software
enables you to create page layouts for entire books?
A. Chatting B. Word Processing C. Desktop Publishing D. Spreadsheet Ans. C
1.Currently on which
generation of computers are we working?
A. First B. Fifth C. Third D. Fourth Ans. B
1.In Which computer generation
did microcomputers come into existence?
A. First B. Second C. Third D. Fourth Ans. D
1.Which generation of
computers were manufactured using ICs with LSI and later with VL SI technology?
A. First B. Second C. Third D. Fourth Ans. D
1.Select the computer(s) in
the second generation of computers.
A. UNIVAC LARC B. EDVAC C. EDSAC D. All of these Ans. A
1.Select the computer(s) in
the first generation of computers.
A. ENIAC B. EDVAC C. EDSAC D. All of these Ans. D
1.Which of the following were used for manufacturing
first generation computers?
A. Vacuum B. Transistors C. Integrated D. ULSI Ans. A
1.Which generation of computer
were used in the period 1955-1964?
A. First B. Second C. Third D. Fourth Ans. B
1.A set of programs is called
A. Hardware B. Software C. Instruction D. Manuals Ans. B
1.Commands given to the
computer that tells what it has to do are…….
A. Data B. Information C. Knowledge D. Instructions Ans. D
1.……….comprises processed
A. Data B. Information C. Knowledge D. instructions Ans. B
1.…………is a collection of raw
facts or figures.
A. Data B. Information C. Knowledge D. Instructions Ans. A
1.Computer is a…………. machine.
A. Electrical B. Mechanical C. Electronic D. Physical Ans. C
1.In which of the following
machine (s) are computers used?
A. GPS B. ATM C. Gas pumps D. All of these Ans. D
1.A computer works
on……………..given to it.
A. Computations B. instructions C. Data D. b and c Ans. B
IT Stands For A. Information Technology B. Information Tech C. Information Technique D. None Ans. A
A space was used in formulas that reference multiple ranges; a comma separates range references A. #REF! B. #NUM! C. #NULL! D. #VALUE! Ans. C
Text in the formula is not recognized then display A. #Name? B. #None? C. #div!! D. none of above Ans. A
A formula or a function inside a formula cannot find the referenced data
A. #N/A! B. #NAME? C. #NULL! D. ######## Ans. A
This error #DIV/0! display when A. mismatch value B. trying divided by 0 C. trying divided by 1 D. none of these Ans. B
Top open an existing workbook, click the open button on the…………toolbar? A. form B. standard C. Drawing D. Formatting Ans. B
A Spreadsheet contains? A. columns B. Rows C. rows & columns D. none of these Ans. C
Formula palette is used to? A. format cells containing number B. created and edit formulas containing functions C. entered assumption data D. Copy all cells Ans. B
By pressing F12, which of following will happen A. Close dialog box will open B. Open dialog box will open C. Save dialog box will open D. Save As dialog box will open Ans. D
Landscape is ? A. Paper Size B. A font style C. Page Orientation D. Page Layout Ans. C
Gutter position can be set in following positions A. Left & Right B. Left Only C. Left & Top D. Left & Bottom Ans. C
Background color on a document is not visible in A. Print Preview B. Web layout view C. Print Layout view D. Reading View Ans. A
What is gutter margin ? A. Margin that is added to right margin when printing B. Margin that is added to the binding side of page when printing C. Margin that is added to the left margin when printing D. Margin that is added to the outside of the page when printing Ans. B
The default page orientation of word document is A. Long sides B. Landscape C. Portrait D. Double long side Ans. C
How many items can you copy to the Office Clipboard A. 24 B. 20 C. 12 D. 10 Ans. A
When you have completely finished working with a document you should A. Close it B. Save it C. Type it D. Edit it Ans. A
You can search in a word document for A. Special characters B. Phrases C. Formatting D. All of These Ans. D
Hyperlinks can be created between a Word document and A. Another word document B. A web page on the www C. A web page on a company Internet D. All are these Ans. D
When you want to view different parts of a document without moving the insertion point. A. Use the previous page or next page buttons B. Use the keyboard C. Use the vertical and horizontal scroll bars D. Use the zoom button Ans. C
The insertion point A. Provides features for changing margins, tabs, an indentations B. Indicated the location where text line when necessary C. Is located under the standard toolbar and has shortcut buttons D. Is located under the standard toolbar and shortcut buttons Ans. B
You can replace the text A. Ctrl+H B. Ctrl+R C. Replace from Menu Button D. Both A & B Ans. A
The spelling and grammar tool A. Indicates grammatical errors B. Corrects spelling errors as you type C. Identifies words with capitalization problems D. All of These Ans. D
To apply center alignment to a paragraph we can press
A. Ctrl+S B. Ctrl + C C. Ctrl + E D. Ctrl+A Ans. C
The space left between the margin and the start of a paragraph is called
A. Spacing B. Gutter C. Indentation D. Alignment Ans. C
Text-styling feature of MS word is
A. WordColor B. Word Font C. Word Art D. Word Fill Ans. C
Assembler is used as a translator for? A. Low level language B. High level language C. COBOL D. C Ans. A
___________________ is designed to solve a specific problem or to do a specific task. A. Application Software B. System Software C. Utility Software D. User Ans. A
A person who designs the programs in a software package is called : A. User B. Software Manager C. System Developer D. System Programmer Ans. D
Which of the following is not an example of system software? A. Language Translator B. Utility Software C. Communication Software D. Word Processors Ans. D
Which of the following is designed to control the operations of a computer? A. Application Software B. System Software C. Utility Software D. User Ans. B
Software Package is a group of programs that solve a multiple problems. A. True B. False C. D. Ans. B
The physical devices of a computer: A. Software B. Package C. Hardware D. System Software Ans. C
The rules that give meaning to the instructions. A. Semantics B. Syntax C. Code D. Cases Ans. A
The memory unit is made up of _____ bytes. A. 256 B. 124 C. 4096 D. 3096 Ans. C
The ___________ contains the address of the next instruction to be executed. A. IR B. PC C. Accumulator D. System counter Ans. B
Binary code comprises of digits from 0 to 9. A. True B. False C. D. Ans. B
. The language made up of binary coded instructions. A. Machine B. C C. BASIC D. High level Ans. A
Another name for base is __________ A. Root B. Radix C. Entity D. Median Ans. B
Convert : (110)2 = ( __ )10 . A. 4 B. 5 C. 6 D. 9 Ans. C
The value of base in a decimal number system is ____________ A. 8 B. 2 C. 10 D. 16 Ans. C
What does MAR stand for A. Main Address Register B. Memory Access Register C. Main Accessible Register D. Memory Address Register Ans. D
The part of a processor which contains hardware necessary to perform all the operations required by a computer: A. Data path B. Controller C. Registers D. Cache Ans. A
3. Fill in the blank in the diagram.
A. Input Unit B. Memory Unit C. Control Unit D. I/O Unit Ans. C
Which of the following is not a characteristic of a computer? A. Diligence B. I.Q. C. Accuracy D. Versatility Ans. B
____________ is the raw material used as input and __________ is the processed data obtained as output of data processing. A. Data, Instructions B. Instructions, Program C. Data, Program D. Program, Code Ans. A
Which flag indicates the number of 1 bit that results from an operation? A. Zero B. Parity C. Auxiliary D. Carry Ans. B
Number of bits in ALU is _________ A. 4 B. 8 C. 16 D. 2 Ans. C
The process of division on memory spaces is called ______________ A. Paging B. Segmentation C. Bifurcation D. Dynamic Division Ans. B
The ALU gives the output of the operations and the output is stored in the ________ A. Memory Devices B. Registers C. Flags D. Output Unit Ans. B
IEEE stands for ___________ A. Instantaneous Electrical Engineering B. Institute of Emerging Electrical Engineers C. Institute of Emerging Electronic Engineers D. Institute of Electrical and electronics engineers Ans. D
Which of the following is not a bitwise operator? A. | B. ^ C. . D. << Ans. C
The ‘heart’ of the processor which performs many different operations A. Arithmetic and logic unit B. Motherboard C. Control Unit D. Memory Ans. A
The first practical form of Random Access Memory was the __________ A. SSEM B. Cathode Ray Tube C. William’s Tube D. Thomas’s Tube Ans. C
A non-erasable disk that stores digitized audio information is _____ A. CD B. CD-RW C. DVD-R D. DVD-RW Ans. A
RAID stands for __________ A. Redundant array of independent disks B. Redundant array of individual disks C. Reusable Array of independent disks D. Reusable array of individual disks Ans. A
Which of the following are types of ROMs A. SROM & DROM B. PROM & EPROM C. Only one type there is no further classification D. PROM & EROM Ans. B
Which of the following is used in main memory? A. SRAM B. DRAM C. PRAM D. DDR Ans. B
Which of the following is non-volatile storage? A. Backup B. Secondary C. Primary D. Cache Ans. B
Which of the following is used to hold running program instructions? A. Primary Storage B. Virtual Storage C. Internal Storage D. Minor Devices Ans. A
The two basic types of memory in a computer are ________ A. Primary and major B. Primary and Secondary C. Minor and Major D. Main and virtual Ans. B
Saving data and instructions to make them readily available is the job of A. Storage Unit B. Cache Unit C. Input Unit D. Output Unit Ans. A
Components that provide internal storage to the CPU are ______ A. Registers B. Program Counters C. Controllers D. Internal chips Ans. A
PCI stands for _________ A. Peripheral Component Interconnect B. Partial Component Interconnect C. Peripheral Component Interaction D. Partial Component Interaction Ans. A
Which of the following is not a function of the Output Unit? A. It produces results that can be easily understood by the user B. It accepts the results produced by the computer C. It supplies the data and instructions to the outside world D. It supplies the data and instructions to the computer for further processing Ans. D
A ___________________ monitor looks like a television and are normally used with non-portable computer systems. A. CRT B. LCD C. LED D. Flat Panel Monitors Ans. A
Line Printers that print one line at a time are A. Laser Printers B. Inkjet Printers C. Drum Printers D. Chain Printers Ans. C
A special request originated from some device to the CPU to acquire some of its time is called A. Disturbance B. Attenuation C. Interrupt D. Noise Ans. C
The devices that used to give single or multiple colored images and drawings are A. Monitors B. Printers C. Plotters D. VDUs Ans. C
What does SVGA stands for? A. Standard Visual Graphics Array B. Super Visual Graphics Array C. Standard Video Graphics Array D. Super Video Graphics Array Ans. D
VDU stands for A. Virtual Display Unit B. Visual Display Unit C. Virtual Detection Unit D. Visual Detection Unit Ans. B
The output unit coverts the data entered by the user into computer understandable form. A. True B. False C. D. Ans. B
The process of producing useful information for the user is called A. Controlling B. Outputting C. Inputting D. Processing Ans. B
Label the parts 1 and 2: A. 1.ALU 2. MU B. 1.Output unit 2.Input Unit C. 1.MU 2. ALU D. 1.Input Unit 2.Output Unit Ans. D
Which of the following is not a function of the Input Uni A. It reads instructions and data from the outside world. B. It converts the data into computer acceptable format. C. It makes the data into user understandable format. D. It supplies the data and instructions to the computer for further processing. Ans. C
1 yottabyte = A. 1024 TB B. 1024 EB C. 1024 ZB D. 1024 PB Ans. C
The input machine which originated in the United States around 1880 is a A. Mouse B. Joystick C. Keyboard D. Bar Code Reader Ans. C
Which of the following describes the correct format of an input instructio A. IN 82 B. INPUT 82 C. INP 82 D. 82 INP Ans. A
One nibble is equivalent to how many bits A. 2 B. 4 C. 8 D. 1 Ans. B
The smallest unit of data in computer is A. Byte B. Nibble C. Bit D. KB Ans. C
The only language which the computer understands is A. Assembly Language B. Binary Language C. BASIC D. C Language Ans. B
1. Which unit is responsible for converting the data received from the user into
computer understandable format? A. Memory Unit B. Arithmetic & Logic Unit C. Input Unit D. Output Unit Ans. C
img tag is for
A. list B. link C. image D. line Ans. C
What is an another name of Personal Computer? A. Micro-Computer B. Private Computer C. Distinctive Computer D. Individual Computer Ans. A
What is an another name of Personal Computer? A. Micro-Computer B. Private Computer C. Distinctive Computer D. Individual Computer Ans. A
Company name of Windows O.S. A. Microsoft Corporation B. Microsoft Computer C. Multimedia Computer D. None of above Ans. A
Windows 7/8/8.1/10 is a ............... based O.S. A. GUI B. CUI C. Computer D. Operating System Ans. A
The size of yes/no field is always ________
A. 1 Bit B. 1 Byte C. 1 Character D. 1 KB Ans. A
Which of the following is not a type of MS Access databaseobject?
A. Table B. Form C. Worksheets D. Modules Ans. C
Which field type will you select if you need to enter long text in that field?
A. Text B. Memo C. Hyperlink D. Currency Ans. B
What is a form in MS Access A. It is a printed page where users will write their data to fill it up B. It is an input screen designed to make the viewing and entering data easier C. This is an important part of database used by analysts to draw conclusions D. All of above Ans. B
We can remove a relationship defined between two tables by A. From Edit menu choose Delete Relationship B. Select the relationship line and press Delete C. Choose Delete option from Relationship menu D. All of above Ans. B
Which field type can store photos? A. Hyperlink B. OLE C. Both of these can be used D. Access tables can’t store photos Ans. B
Queries in Access can be used as A. View, change and analyze data in different ways B. A source of records for forms and reports C. Only A D. Both a and b Ans. D
Which of the following is a method to create a new table in MS Access? A. Create table in Design View B. Create Table using wizard C. Create Table by Entering data D. All of above Ans. D
What is the difference between ‘Open’ and ‘Open Exclusively’? A. Open statement opens access database files and Open Exclusively opens database files of other program like Oracle B. Open Exclusive locks whole database so that no one can access it whereas Open locks only the record that is being accessed C. Both Open and Open Exclusively are same D. Open Exclusive command does not exist in MS Access Ans. B
What is the maximum length a text field can be? A. 120 B. 255 C. 265 D. 75 Ans. B
Microsoft Access is a A. RDBMS B. OODBMS C. ORDBMS D. Network database model Ans. A
If you need to edit a relationship A. Right click the relationship line and choose Edit Relationship B. Double click the relationship line C. Both of above D. None of above Ans. C
The key uniquely identifies each record in a table. A. Primary key B. Key word C. Field name D. All of above Ans. A
A part of database that stores only one type of data is A. Report B. Field C. Query D. Record Ans. B
Which of the following may not be a database? A. Data presented in table in MS Word document B. Data entered in Excel spreadsheet C. A presentation created in PowerPoint D. A telephone diary Ans. C
A database can be best described as A. Organized collection of data B. Useful presentation of data C. Graphical representation of data D. All of above Ans. A
Collection of related records in a database is known as A. File B. Bench C. Table D. Relationship Ans. C
The task of arranging data in order is called A. Searching B. Sorting C. Ordering D. Shorting Ans. B
Which of the following is not a database object in MS Access? A. Tables B. Query C. Report D. Relationship Ans. D
An Access database object that is used to enter, view or edit records A. Table B. Form C. Query D. Report Ans. B
Which of the following expresses correct order? A. Characters, Fields, Records, Tables, Files, Databases B. Characters, Fields, Records, Tables, Database, Files C. Databases, Tables, Files, Records, Field, Character D. Files, Databases, Tables, Records, Fields, Characters Ans. A
Every table in relational database contain a field or combination of fields that can uniquely identify each records, it is called A. Foreign key B. Native key C. Composite key D. Primary key Ans. D
A primary key in any table has the properties A. Not Null B. No Duplicates C. Both of above D. None of above Ans. C
How can you link a table with another so that a field in current table will display values in drop down box from another table while entering data: A. Query Wizard B. Look up Wizard C. Form Wizard D. Report Wizard Ans. B
When a picture or other graphic image is placed in the report header section it will appear____ A. Once in the beginning of the report B. At the top of every page C. Every after record break D. On the 1st and last pages of the report Ans. A
CD command allows returning on the ...................... directory. A. Previous Directory B. Next Directory C. Root Directory D. Back one Directory Ans. C
DIR ...........................……. displays all files and directories started
with A character.
A. DIR A* B. DIR A???? C. DIR A & D. DIR A@ Ans. A
Normally, Dates are entered in the format…………………… A. DD-MM-YY B. MM-DD-YY C. MMDDYY D. MM.DD.YY Ans. B
The Time is entered in the format………………………………… A. MM:HH:SS B. HH-MM-SS C. HH.MM.SS D. HH:MM:SS Ans. D
By default the current DOS prompt displays as…………………. A. C./> B. C:/> C. C:> D. C*> Ans. C
Find command provides different ……….. to find the strings in
different ways.
A. Commands B. Objects C. Text D. Parameters Ans. D
Time is an ……………………… A. Internal Command B. External Command C. System Command D. Both A and B Ans. A
Find command provides different ……….. to find the strings in
different ways.
A. Commands B. Objects C. Text D. v Ans. D
Find command is used to …………..the specified contents of
specified file.
A. Display B. Delete C. Search D. Copy Ans. C
Edit is an ........................ command. A. Internal B. External C. Memory D. Real Ans. B
To create a batch file……………command(s) can be used. A. Copy Con B. Edit C. Both A & B D. Only Copy Con Ans. C
To break the running of batch file operations, press ……….. A. Ctrl+C B. Ctrl+Pause Break C. Both A & B D. Ctrl+Z Ans. C
To break the running of batch file operations, press ……….. A. Ctrl+C B. Ctrl+Pause Break C. Both A & B D. Ctrl+Z Ans. C
The FC command allows comparing the contents of ………files. A. One B. Three C. Four D. Two Ans. D
The extension of Batch File is ………………………. A. .BOT B. .BAT C. .BET D. .BAC Ans. B
The External Commands are loaded in ...................... A. Hard Disk B. Memory C. CPU D. None Ans. A
CHKDSK is used to check the disk and display the .…............. of
current disk.
A. Volume name B. Status information C. Serial Number D. Noneb Ans. A
Prompt Command is used to change the A. Appearance of Root directory B. Open a new Directory C. Create a new directory D. none Ans. A
To open a directory we use A. CD B. RD C. MD D. None Ans. A
To open a directory we use A. CD B. RD C. MD D. None Ans. A
To Create a directory we use A. MD B. CD C. RD D. CD.. Ans. A
To exit from DOS we use ..................... Command A. Exit B. Quit C. Close D. None Ans. A
Type command is used for A. Create a file B. Create a Directory C. Open File D. Delete file Ans. C
Which command is used for clear the screen A. Clear B. CLS C. Clear all D. None Ans. B
DIR Command is used for A. Display file and directory B. Display Directory C. Display File D. None Ans. A
To Create a new file we use
A. Copy Can B. Copy Con C. Crate D. New Ans. B
MS DOS stand for A. Microsoft Dual Operating System B. Microsoft Disk Operation System C. Microsoft Disk Operating System D. None Ans. C
ALU is A. Arithmetic Logic Unit B. Application Logic Unit C. Array Logic Unit D. None of Above Ans. A
What is a light pen? A. A Mechanical Input device B. Electronic input device C. Optical input device D. Optical output device Ans. C
Which device is required for the Internet connection? A. Joystick B. Modem C. CD Drive D. NIC Ans. B
You organize files by storing them in A. archives B. folders C. indexes D. lists Ans. B
Which of the following statements is true ? A. Minicomputer works faster than Microcomputer B. Microcomputer works faster than Minicomputer C. Speed of both the computers is the same D. The speeds of both these computers cannot be compared with the speed of advanced Ans. A
FUNDAMENTAL a combination of hardware and software that facilitates the sharing of information between computing devices.
A. Network B. Peripheral C. Expansion Board D. Digital Device Ans. A
The first computers were programmed using A. Assembly language B. Machine language C. Source code D. Object code Ans. B
A CPU contains A. a card reader and a printing device B. an analytical engine and a control unit C. a control unit and an arithmetic logic unit D. an arithmetic logic unit and a card reader Ans. C
Who is the father of personal computer? A. Edward Robert B. Allen Turing C. Charles Babbage D. None of these Ans. A
Who is the father of Computer science?
A. Allen Turing B. Charles Babbage C. Simur Cray D. Augusta Adaming Ans. A
Who is the father of Computer? A. Allen Turing B. Charles Babbage C. Simur Cray D. Augusta Adaming Ans. B
Who is the inventor of “Difference Engine”? A. Allen Turing B. Charles Babbage C. Simur Cray D. Augusta Adaming Ans. B
The term ‘Computer’ is derived from.......... A. Latin B. German C. French D. Arabic Ans. A
From which Tab you can access Picture, Test Box, Chart etc? A. File B. Home C. Insert D. Picture Ans. C
of the following is not a part of Slide Design
A. Design Template B. Color Scheme C. Animation Scheme D. Slide Layout Ans. D
happens if you select first and second slide and then click on New Slide button ?
A. A new slide is inserted as first slide in presentation B. A new slide is inserted as second slide in presentation C. A new slide is inserted as third slide in presentation D. None of above Ans. C
happens if you select first and second slide and then click on New Slide button ?
A. A new slide is inserted as first slide in presentation B. A new slide is inserted as second slide in presentation C. A new slide is inserted as third slide in presentation D. None of above Ans. C
short cut key inserts a new slide in current presentation?
A. Ctrl+N B. Ctrl+M C. Ctrl+S D. All of above Ans. B
selected design template can be applied
A. To current slide only B. To all the slides C. To all the new presentation you create D. All of above Ans. D
feature will you use to apply motion effects in between a slide exits and
another enters?
A. Slide Transition B. Slide Design C. Animation Objects D. Animation Scheme Ans. A
PowerPoint feature will you use to apply motion effects to different objects of
a slide?
A. Slide Transition B. Slide Design C. Animation Objects D. Animation Scheme Ans. D
command will you use in PowerPoint if you need to change the color of different
objects without changing content?
A. Design Template B. Color Scheme C. Font Color D. Object Color Ans. B
A new presentation can be created from A. Blank Presentation B. From Existing Presentation C. From Design Template D. All of above Ans. D
PowerPoint presentations are widely used as A. Note outlines for teachers B. Project presentations by students C. Communication of planning D. All of above Ans. D
To start Microsoft PowerPoint application A. Click on Start >> All Programs >> Microsoft PowerPoint B. Hit Ctrl + R then type ppoint.exe and Enter C. Click Start >> Run then type powerpnt then press Enter D. All of above Ans. C
Which of the following statements is not true? A. You can type text directly into a PowerPoint slide but typing in text box is more convenient. B. From Insert menu choose Picture and then File to insert your images into slides. C. You can view a PowerPoint presentation in Normal, Slide Sorter or Slide Show view. D. You can show or hide task pane from View >> Toolbars Ans. A
Which tab is not available on left panel when
you open a presentation?
A. Outline B. Slides C. Notes D. All of above are available Ans. C
Which of the following is used as a primary storage device? A. Magnetic drum B. Hard Disks C. Floppy D. All of above Ans. A
A computer consists of A. A central processing unit B. A memory C. Input and output unit D. All of the above Ans. D
A computer consists of A. A central processing unit B. A memory C. Input and output unit D. All of the above Ans. D
BCD is A. Binary Coded Decimal B. Bit Coded Decimal C. Binary Coded Digit D. Bit Coded Digit Ans. A
When was Pascaline invented? A. 1617 B. 1620 C. 1642 D. 1837 Ans. C
Which was the most popular first generation computer? A. IBM 1650 B. IBM 360 C. IBM 1130 D. IBM 2700 Ans. A
Abacus was the first A. Electronic computer B. Mechanical computer C. Electronic calculator D. Mechanical calculator Ans. D
Which of the following produces the best quality graphics reproduction? A. Laser printer B. Ink jet printer C. Plotter D. Dot matrix printer Ans. C
Magnetic disks are the most popular medium for A. Direct access B. Sequential access C. Both of above D. None of above Ans. C
Which of the following is not an input device? A. OCR B. Optical scanners C. Voice recognition device D. COM (Computer Output to Microfilm) Ans. D
Which of the following is not an input device? A. OCR B. Optical scanners C. Voice recognition device D. COM (Computer Output to Microfilm) Ans. D
Which of the following storage devices can store maximum amount of data? A. Floppy Disk B. Hard Disk C. Compact Disk D. Magneto Optic Disk Ans. B
The main electronic component used in first generation computers was A. Transistors B. Vacuum Tubes and Valves C. Integrated Circuits D. None of above Ans. B
Which of the following IC was used in third generation of computers? A. SSI B. MSI C. LSI D. Both a and b Ans. D
A hybrid computer A. Resembles digital computer B. Resembles analogue computer C. Resembles both a digital and analogue computer D. None of the above Ans. C
CD-ROM is a A. Semiconductor memory B. Memory register C. Magnetic memory D. None of above Ans. D
Integrated Circuits (Ics) are related to which generation of computers? A. First generation B. Second generation C. Third generation D. Fourth generation Ans. C
Computer is free from tiresome and boardoom. We call it A. Accuracy B. Reliability C. Diligence D. Versatility Ans. C
The two kinds of main memory are: A. Primary and secondary B. Random and sequential C. ROM and RAM D. All of above Ans. C
Storage capacity of magnetic disk depends on A. Tracks per inch of surface B. Bits per inch of tracks C. Disk pack in disk surface D. All of above Ans. D
The brain of any computer system is A. ALU B. Memory C. CPU D. Control unit Ans. C
ASCII and EBCDIC are the popular character coding systems. What does EBCDIC stand for? A. Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code B. Extended Bit Code Decimal Interchange Code C. Extended Bit Case Decimal Interchange Code D. Extended Binary Case Decimal Interchange Code Ans. A
What is the main difference between a mainframe and a super computer? A. Super computer is much larger than mainframe computers B. Super computers are much smaller than mainframe computers C. Super computers are focused to execute few programs as fast as possible while mainframe uses its power to execute as many programs concurrently D. Supercomputers are focused to execute as many programs as possible while mainframe uses its power to execute few programs as fast as possible. Ans. C
The two major types of computer chips are A. External memory chip B. Primary memory chip C. Microprocessor chip D. Both B and C Ans. D
The basic operations performed by a computer are A. Arithmetic operation B. Logical operation C. Storage and relative D. All the above Ans. D
UNIVAC is A. Universal Automatic Computer B. Universal Array Computer C. Unique Automatic Computer D. Unvalued Automatic Computer Ans. A
You can activate a cell by A. Pressing the Tab key B. Clicking the cell C. Pressing an arrow key D. All of the above Ans. D
Which of the following is not a way to complete a cell entry? A. Pressing enter B. Pressing any arrow key on the keyboard C. Clicking the Enter button on the Formula bar D. Pressing spacebar Ans. D
Which of the following will not cut information? A. Pressing Ctrl + C B. Selecting Edit>Cut from the menu C. Clicking the Cut button on the standard D. Pressing Ctrl+X Ans. A
Which of the following methods can not be used to enter data in a cell A. Pressing an arrow key B. Pressing the Tab key C. Pressing the Esc key D. Clicking on the formula bar Ans. C
Which keys are used to Open tab in Ms Excel? A. Ctrl + O B. Ctrl + G C. Ctrl + U D. Shift + F11 Ans. A
Which key is used to “Goto” tab in Ms Excel? A. F5 B. F9 C. F6 D. None of These Ans. A
Which key is used to Repeat last action in Ms Excel? A. F4 B. F2 C. F7 D. F1 Ans. A
Which key is used for help in Ms Excel A. F1 B. F4 C. F2 D. F5 Ans. A
What type of chart will you use to compare performance of sales of two products ?
A. Column Chart B. Line Chart C C. Pie Chart D. Both A and B Ans. A
It is a collection of data that is stored electronically as a series of records in a table.
A. Spreadsheet B. Presentation C. Database D. MS-Word Ans. C
An Excel file is generally called a / an :
A. E-Spreadsheet B. Woorksheet C. Workbook D. Sheet Ans. C
In Excel, which one denoted a range from B1 through E5
A. B1 - E5 B. B1:E5 C. B1 to E5 D. B1$E5 Ans. B
How many sheets are there, by default, when we create a new Excel file ?
A. 1 B. 3 C. 5 D. 9 Ans. B
The basic unit of a worksheet into which you enter data in Excel is called a
A. cell B. table C. box D. column Ans. A
What type of chart is good for single series of data ?
A. Column Chart B. Line Chart C. Pie Chart D. Cone Chart Ans. C
What type of chart is good for single series of data ?
A. Column Chart B. Line Chart C. Pie Chart D. Cone Chart Ans. C
How will you graphically represent expenditure in different departments ?
A. Column Chart B. Line Chart C. Pie Chart D. Dot Chart Ans. C
What do you use to create a chart?
A. Pie Wizard B. Excel Wizard C. Data Wizard D. Chart Wizard Ans. D
In Excel, Rows are labelled as ______
A. A, B, C, etc B. 1,2,3 etc C. A1, A2, etc. D. $A$1, $A$2, etc. Ans. B
What type of chart is useful for comparing parts of a whole ?
A. Pie Chart B. Column Chart C. Line Chart D. Dot Graph Ans. A
The ____ feature of MS Excel quickly completes a series of data
A. Auto Complete B. Auto Fill C. Fill Handle D. Sorting Ans. B
The process of arrenging the items of a column in some sequence or order is known as :
A. Arrengin B. Autofill C. Sorting D. Filtering Ans. C
What type of chart is useful for showing trends or changes over time
A. Pie Chart B. Column Chart C. Line Chart D. Dot Graph Ans. C
The Greater Than sign (>) is an example of _____ operator.
A. Arithmatic B. Logical C. Conditional D. Greater Ans. B
In Excel, Columns are labelled as ___
A. A, B, C, etc B. 1,2,3 etc C. A1, A2, etc D. $A$1, $A$2, etc. Ans. A
Which functionin Excel checks whether a
condition is true or not ?
Functions in MS Excel must begin with ___
A. () sign B. An Equal Sign C. A Plus Sign D. A > Sign Ans. B
Which one is not a Function in MS Excel ?
What type of chart will you use to compare
performance of two employees in the year 2016 ?
A. Column Chart B. Line Chart C. Pie Chart D. Dot Chart Ans. B
Statistical calculations and preparation of
tables and graphs can be done using
A. Adobe Photoshop B. Excel C. Notepad D. Power Point Ans. B
A features that displays only the data in
column (s) according to specified criteria
A. Formula B. Sorting C. Filtering D. Pivot Ans. C
Which functionin Excel tells how many numeric entries are there ?
What type of chart is useful for comparing values over
categories ?
A. Pie Chart B. Column Chart C. Line Chart D. Dot Graph Ans. B
What is the intersection of a column and a row on a worksheet called ?
A. Column B. Value C. Address D. Cell Ans. C
What is the intersection of a column and a row on a worksheet called ?
A. Column B. Value C. Address D. Cell Ans. C
Which of the following is not a valid Zoom percentage in Excel? A. 10 B. 100 C. 300 D. 500 Ans. D
You can group non contiguous worksheets with A. The alt+enter key B. The ctrl key and mouse C. The shift key and the mouse D. The group button on the standard toolbar Ans. B
You can group non contiguous worksheets with A. The alt+enter key B. The ctrl key and mouse C. The shift key and the mouse D. The group button on the standard toolbar Ans. B
The Software which contains rows and columns is called ______ A. Database B. Drawing C. Spreadsheet D. Word processing Ans. C
What is the keyboard shortcut for creating a chart from the selected cell range? A. F2 B. F4 C. F8 D. F11 Ans. D
The cell reference for cell range of G2 to M12 is _______ A. G2.M12 B. G2;M12 C. G2:M12 D. G2-M12 Ans. C
Which of the following methods will not enter data in a cell? A. Pressing the Esc key B. Pressing an arrow key C. Pressing the tab key D. Clicking the enter button to the formula bar Ans. A
Which of the following is not an option of the spelling dialog box? A. Ignore B. Ignore all C. Edit D. Change Ans. C
Which of the following is not an option of the spelling dialog box? A. Ignore B. Ignore all C. Edit D. Change Ans. C
The default header for a worksheet is A. Username B. Date and Time C. Sheet tab Name D. None Ans. D
Formulas in Excel start wit A. % B. = C. + D. – Ans. B
Formulas in Excel start wit A. % B. = C. + D. – Ans. B
Which of the following is not an underline option in the format cells dialog box? A. Double B. Single Accounting C. Double Accounting D. Single Engineerin Ans. D
A function inside another function is called _______ A. Nested function B. . Round function C. Sum function D. Text function Ans. A
Which of the following symbol sets would be most likely to contain a mathematical symbol such as a degree sign, greater than or equal to, or a Greek letter? A. Wingdings B. Wingdings 3 C. Webdings D. Symbol Ans. D
To get to the ‘Symbol’ dialog box, click on the ______ Tab and choose ‘Symbol’. A. Insert B. Format C. Tools D. Home Ans. A
Which of the following statement is false? A. You can set different header footer for even and odd pages B. You can set different page number formats for different sections C. You can set different header footer for first page of a section D. You can set different header and footer for last page of a section Ans. D
Which of the following statement is false? A. You can set different header footer for even and odd pages B. You can set different page number formats for different sections C. You can set different header footer for first page of a section D. You can set different header and footer for last page of a section Ans. D
After typing header text, how can you quickly enter footer text? A. Press PageDown key and type the text for footer B. Click on Switch between Heder & Footer then type the text C. Both of above D. None of above Ans. B
From which menu/tab you can insert Header and Footer? A. Insert Menu B. View Menu C. Format menu D. Tools Menu Ans. A
To autofit the width of column A. Double click the right border of column B. Double click the left border of column C. Double click the column header D. All of above Ans. A
Which option is not available in Insert Table Autofit behavior? A. Fixed Column Width B. AutoFit to Contents C. Autofit to Window D. Autofit to Column Ans. D
What happens when you click on Insert >> Clip Art A. It inserts a clipart picture into document B. It lets you choose clipart to insert into document C. It opens Clip Art taskbar D. None of above Ans. C
What happens when you click on Insert >> Clip Art A. It inserts a clipart picture into document B. It lets you choose clipart to insert into document C. It opens Clip Art taskbar D. None of above Ans. C
A word processor would most likely be used to do A. Keep an account of money spent B. Do a computer search in media center C. Maintain an inventory D. Type a biography Ans. D
A bookmark is an item or location in document that you identify as a name for future reference. Which of the following task is accomplished by using bookmarks? A. To add anchors in web page B. To mark the ending of a paragraph of document C. To quickly jump to specific location in document D. To add hyperlinks in webpage Ans. C
Why Drop Caps are used in document? A. To drop all the capital letters B. To automatically begin each paragraph with capital letter C. To begin a paragraph with a large dropped initial capital letter D. None of above Ans. C
Thesaurus tool in MS Word is used for A. Spelling suggestions B. Grammar options C. Synonyms and Antonyms words D. All of above Ans. C
The minimum number of rows and columns in MS Word document is A. 1 and 1 B. 2 and 1 C. 2 and 2 D. None of above Ans. A
Which of the following function key activates the speller? A. F5 B. F7 C. F9 D. Shift + F7 Ans. B
What is the purpose of inserting header and footer in document? A. To enhance the overall appearance of the document B. To mark the starting and ending of page C. To make large document more readable D. To allow page headers and footers appear on document when printed Ans. D
A character that is raised and smaller above the baseline is known as A. Outlined B. Raised C. Superscript D. Subscript Ans. C
The keystrokes Ctrl + I is used to A. Increase font size B. Inserts a line break C. Indicate the text should be bold D. Applies italic format to selected text Ans. D
Which of the following is graphics solution for Word Processors? A. Clipart B. WordArt C. Drop Cap D. All of above Ans. A
What is the maximum font size you can apply for any character? A. 163 B. 1638 C. 16038 D. 11 Ans. B
How many columns can you insert in a word document in maximum? A. 35 B. 45 C. 63 D. 65 Ans. C
What is the shortcut key you can press to create a copyright symbol? A. Alt+Ctrl+C B. Alt + C C. Ctrl + C D. Ctrl + Shift + C Ans. A
What is the default number of lines to drop for drop cap? A. 3 B. 10 C. 15 D. 20 Ans. A
What is the maximum number of lines you can set for a drop cap? A. 3 B. 10 C. 15 D. 20 Ans. B
What does EXT indicator on status bar of MS Word indicate? A. It indicates whether the external text is pasted on document or not B. It indicates whether extended add-ons are installed on MS Word or not C. It indicates whether Extended Selection mode is turned on or off D. None of above Ans. C
How can you disable extended selection mode? A. Press F8 again to disable B. Press Del to disable C. Press Esc to disable D. Press Enter to disable Ans. C
What happens if you press Ctrl + Shift + F8? A. It activates extended selection B. It activates the rectangular selection C. It selects the paragraph on which the insertion line is. D. None of above Ans. B
Pressing F8 key for three times selects A. A word B. A sentence C. A paragraph D. Entire document Ans. B
Which of the following is not a font style? A. Bold B. Italics C. Regular D. Superscript Ans. D
If you need to
change the typeface of a document, which menu will you choose?
A. Edit B. View C. Format D. Tools Ans. C
Portrait and Landscape are A. Page Orientation B. Paper Size C. Page Layout D. All of above Ans. A
What is gutter
A. Margin that is added to the left margin when printing B. Margin that is added to right margin when printing C. Margin that is added to the binding side of page when printing D. Margin that is added to the outside of the page when printing Ans. C
What is the default left margin in Word 2010 document? A. 1" B. 1.25" C. 1.5" D. 2" Ans. A
Which of the
following is not a type of page margin?
A. Left B. Right C. Center D. Top Ans. C
Borders can be applied to A. Cells B. Paragraph C. Text D. All of above Ans. D
What is a portion of a document in which you set
certain page formatting options? A. Page B. Document C. Section D. Page Setup Ans. C
Background color or effects applied on a
document is not visible in A. Web layout view B. Print Layout view C. Reading View D. Print Preview Ans. D
If you want to
keep track of different editions of a document which features will you use?
A. Editions B. Versions C. Track Change D. All of above Ans. B
How many ways
you can save a document?
A. 3 B. 4 C. 5 D. 6 Ans. A
Which file
starts MS Word?
A. Winword.exe B. Word.exe C. Msword.exe D. Word2003.exe Ans. A
Which file
starts MS Word?
A. Winword.exe B. Word.exe C. Msword.exe D. Word2003.exe Ans. A
8. What is place to the left of horizontal
scroll bar? A. Tab stop buttons B. View buttons C. Split buttons D. Indicators Ans. B
Which of the
following is not available on the Ruler of MS Word screen?
A. Tab stop box B. Left Indent C. Right Indent D. Center Indent Ans. D
Where can you find the horizontal split bar on
MS Word screen? A. On the left of horizontal scroll bar B. On the right of horizontal scroll bar C. On the top of vertical scroll bar D. On the bottom of vertical scroll bar Ans. C
A feature of MS Word that saves the document
automatically after certain interval is available on A. Save tab on Options dialog box B. Save As dialog box C. Both of above D. None of above Ans. A
What is the short cut key to open the Open
dialog box? A. F12 B. Shift F12 C. Alt + F12 D. Ctrl + F12 Ans. D
The key F12
opens a
A. Save As dialog box B. Open dialog box C. Save dialog box D. Close dialog box Ans. A
You cannot close MS Word application by A. Choosing File menu then Exit submenu B. Press Alt+F4 C. Click X button on title bar D. From File menu choose Close submenu Ans. D
Which of the following is not valid version of MS Office? A. Office XP B. Office Vista C. Office 2010 D. None of above Ans. B
GST Stand for A. Good & Sales Tax B. Goods & Sales Tax C. Good & Service Tax D. Goods & Service Tax Ans. D
Which key is used to post entry in Debit Note in tally A. F7 B. F8 C. Ctrl+F9 D. Ctrl+F8 Ans. C
Which shortcut key is used in ?Company Feature?s screen to use Accounting Features in Tally
A. F1 B. F2 C. F3 D. F4 Ans. A
In which voucher type credit sales is recorded in Tally A. F5:Payment B. F6:Receipt C. F7:Journal D. F8:Sales Ans. D
In which voucher type credit purchase entry is posted in Tally A. F5:Payment B. F7:Journal C. F9:Purchase D. F6:Receipt Ans. C
Where do we record all type of adjustment entry in Tally A. F5:Payment B. F6:Receipt C. F7:Journal D. F4:Contra Ans. C
Where do we record all type of adjustment entry in Tally A. F5:Payment B. F6:Receipt C. F7:Journal D. F4:Contra Ans. C
Which key is pressed to post entries in double entry accounting system instead of single entry system in Tally.ERP9
A. F11 B. Alt+F12 C. Alt+F11 D. F12 Ans. D
Which option is used to exit Tally A. Exit B. Close C. Quit D. Shut Company Ans. C
Which shortcut key is used to view configure in Tally A. F10 B. F11 C. F12 D. Alt+F9 Ans. C
Which Shortcut key is pressed to view features in Tally A. F10 B. F11 C. Alt+11 D. F12 Ans. B
Which shortcut key is used to change current period in Tally A. F2 B. Alt+F2 C. F3 D. Alt+F3 Ans. B
Which shortcut key is used to shut opened company in Tally A. F1 B. Alt+F1 C. F3 D. Alt+F3 Ans. B
Which shortcut key is used for Select Company in Tally A. F1 B. Alt+F1 C. F3 D. Alt+F3 Ans. C
Which shortcut key is used to export data of any company in Microsoft Excel spreadsheet or in any other company A. Alt+P B. Alt+E C. Alt+O D. Alt+S Ans. B
Which shortcut key(s) are used to display list of inventory reports within balance sheet A. F8 B. F9 C. F10 D. F11 Ans. B
Which shortcut key(s) are used to enter a stock journal in tally A. F7 B. Control + F7 C. Alt + F7 D. Shift + F7 Ans. C
Which shortcut key(s) are used to enter a stock journal in tally A. F7 B. Control + F7 C. Alt + F7 D. Shift + F7 Ans. C
The shortcut used for Sales Order is A. Alt+F4 B. Alt+F5 C. Alt+F7 D. Alt+F8 Ans. B
Payroll Auto fill is done through A. Ctrl + A B. Ctrl + B C. Alt + A D. Alt + B Ans. C
Payroll Auto fill is done through A. Ctrl + A B. Ctrl + B C. Alt + A D. Alt + B Ans. C
To change the date, shortcut used A. Alt+F2 B. Alt+F3 C. F2 D. F1 Ans. C
We can switch from Accounting Voucher to Inventory Voucher pressing A. F2 B. Alt +F1 C. Ctrl + F1 D. F11 Ans. B
To declare a voucher as Post Dated press A. Ctrl + T B. Alt + T C. Ctrl + P D. Ctrl + D Ans. A
Online voucher creation from Day Book report by pressing A. Ctrl + A B. Shift + A C. Alt + A D. None of these Ans. C
Tally is a ................... type of Software A. Accounting B. Management C. Word processor D. Spreadsheet Ans. A
To create Purchase Order press A. Alt + F4 B. Ctrl + F4 C. F4 D. None of these Ans. A
We can cancel a voucher using A. Alt + X B. Ctrl + X C. Shift + X D. Ctrl + Shift + X Ans. A
We can repeat narration by pressing A. Shift + R B. Alt + R C. Ctrl + R D. Alt + Shift + R Ans. C
To print a voucher from Tally we need to press A. Ctrl + P B. Shift + P C. Alt + P D. Ctrl + Alt + P Ans. C
Multiple Godowns are activated from A. F11 B. F11 < F1 C. F11 < F2 D. F11 < F3 Ans. C
To activate MRP feature from Gateway of Tally initially we need to press A. F11 B. F10 C. F12 D. Alt + F1 Ans. C
The shortcut used to activate calculator is A. Ctrl + N B. Ctrl + M C. Ctrl + A D. Ctrl + B Ans. A
When you sale goods out of state you have to use .............. type of GST. A. CGST B. SGST C. IGST D. Both A and B Ans. C
The shortcut key to quit from Tally is A. Ctrl + L B. Ctrl + P C. Ctrl + M D. Ctrl+Q Ans. D
F12 is known as
A. Company Features B. Company Configuration C. Accounting Features D. None of these Ans. B
A ledger may get declaration space for its Alias through A. F12 B. F11 C. Alt + F1 D. Alt + F2 Ans. A
To change Current Date from Gateway of Tally press the key A. F1 B. F5 C. F2 D. F9 Ans. C
Which key is pressed to go to Gateway of Tally from company Info. Menu A. Ctrl B. Alt C. Esc D. Enter Ans. C
Which shortcut key is pressed to go to company Info. Menu from Gateway of Tally A. Alt+F1 B. Alt+F3 C. Alt+f2 D. Alt+F4 Ans. D
Adjustment entries can be entered in A. Contra voucher B. Journal voucher C. Sales voucher D. Purchase voucher Ans. B
Loans from individual comes under ________ group A. Capital B. Current liabilities C. Loans and advances D. Fixed liabilities Ans. C
For entries not involving either cash or bank transactions we use _______________ voucher A. Contra voucher B. Journal C. Sales D. Purchase Ans. B
For entries involving both cash and bank transactions we use _______________ voucher A. Contra voucher B. Journal C. Sales D. Purchase Ans. A
...................... button helps to connect data from spread sheet or other application A. E-mail B. Help C. Export D. Browser Ans. C
Bottom of tally screen shows A. Button bar B. List of vouchers C. List of companies D. Calculator Ans. D
Debit note is used for entering A. Sales return B. Purchase return C. Sales D. Purchases Ans. B
Credit note is used for entering A. Purchases B. Sales C. Purchase return D. Sales return Ans. D
The left hand side of tally screen shows A. Current date B. Last entered voucher C. Gate way of tally D. List of selected companies Ans. D
To activate cost centre and cost category feature we have to select A. Configuration B. F11 Features C. Group creation D. Voucher creation Ans. B
The branch of accounting which analyses and interprets the overall data is ............................. A. Financial accounting B. Cost accounting C. Management accounting D. None of these Ans. C
Carriage inwards can be included in A. Current liability B. Misc Expenses C. Direct expenses D. Indirect expenses Ans. A
Capital of the company is included under A. Capital account B. Fixed liabilities C. Loans and advances D. Current liabilities Ans. B
In tally screen right extreme displays ............................. A. Selected companies B. Current date C. Gate way of tally D. Button bar Ans. D
E-mail can be used to A. Send mail directly from tally screen B. To send e-mail C. Download information D. Access help Ans. A
Closing stock come under ...................... A. Current asset B. Fixed asset C. Stock in hand D. Direct income Ans. C
There are _________ predefined ledgers A. One B. Three C. Two D. Four Ans. A
The term current assets does not include __________ A. Debtors B. D/r C. Stock D. Goodwill Ans. D
Accounting principles are divided into two types. These are A. Accounting concepts B. Accounting conventions C. Accounting standard D. 1 and 3 both Ans. D
Taxes paid come under which group A. Capital B. Loans and liabilities C. Direct expenses D. Duties and taxes Ans. D
Accrued income comes under A. Current liability B. Capital C. Current asset D. Fixed asset Ans. C
A person who owes money to the business is a ........................ A. Debtor B. Creditor C. Investor D. Supplier Ans. A
Assets acquired for long term use in the business are called _________ A. Fixed assets B. Current assets C. Fictitious assets D. Liquid asset Ans. A
............... is the major source of revenue of any business A. Advances B. Loan C. Sales D. Investment Ans. C
_____ refers the amount invested by the owner into business A. Loan B. Advance C. Capital D. Prepaid expenses Ans. C
Income earned but not received is known as .............. A. Advance income B. Accrued income C. Earned income D. Proposed income Ans. B
Builiding is ........................A/c. A. Real B. Nominal C. Personal D. None of These Ans. A
Bank account is ........................ A. Intangible real account B. Nominal account C. Real account D. Personal account Ans. D
Which of the following is not a transaction A. Goods are purchased on cash basis for rs 1000 B. Salaries paid for the month of may 2009 C. Land is purchased for rs 10 lakhs D. An employee is dismissed from the job Ans. D
A ______ is sent to the seller when he is taken back the sold goods A. Debit note B. Proforma invoice C. Credit note D. Bill Ans. A
A ______ is sent to a customer when he returns the goods A. Debit note B. Credit note C. Proforma invoice D. Bill Ans. B
Which of the following is the example of external users of accounting information A. Employee B. Government C. Management D. Owners Ans. B
Which account is the odd one A. Furniture B. Plant and machinery C. Land and buildings D. Stock of raw materials Ans. D
_____ is an example for tangible assets A. Furniture B. Patent C. Debtors D. Discount on issue of shares and debentures Ans. A
_______ is the expense which is unpaid at the end of the accounting period A. Outstanding expenses B. Prepaid expenses C. Proposed expenses D. Working capital Ans. A
The process of ascertaining the balance of a particular account on a given date is A. Journalizing B. Accounting C. Balancing D. Posting Ans. C
_______ is the book of original entry A. Journal B. Voucher C. Invoices D. Ledger Ans. A
_______ is the collection of all accounts A. Ledger B. Invoices C. Voucher D. Journal Ans. A
______ is an example for long term liabilities
A. Bills payable B. Overdraft C. Debentures D. Creditors Ans. C
______ are the liabilities which are payable after a long period A. Fixed liabilities B. Contingent liabilities C. Miscellaneous expenditure D. Current liabilities Ans. A
Capital is treated as liability because of A. Dual aspect concept B. Money measurement concept C. Matching concept D. Entity concept Ans. D
Transactions are firstly entered in
A. Journal B. Ledger C. Trial balance D. None of these Ans. A
Drawings account is to be created by linking with A. Capital B. Current asset C. Current liability D. Drawings Ans. A
Patent account falls under A. Investments B. Liabilities C. Current assets D. None of these Ans. D
Income tax number of the company will appear in which report A. Reminder letter B. Cash/bank book C. Profit and loss a/c D. None of these Ans. D
Transfer from main cash to petty cash you require to pass A. Sales Voucher B. Payment Voucher C. Contra Voucher D. Receipt Voucher Ans. C
Which of the following is not a disadvantage of introducing computerized accounting system
A. Possible demotivation through reundance B. High expenditure on set up C. Saving made on labour cost D. Required staff training Ans. C
Predefined groups are also called as A. Main group B. Primary group C. Statutory group D. Parent group Ans. C
The options ? use common narration? and ? narration each entry? appear A. Voucher type creation screen B. F11 accounting features C. Voucher entry screen D. Account creation screen Ans. B
Collection of ledgers of same nature is called A. Group B. Vouchers C. Asset D. None of these Ans. A
Integrated accounts with inventory is available in A. F11 Features B. Accounts info C. Inventory info D. F12 configuration Ans. A
Company features in tally includes A. Accounting features B. Statutory features C. Inventory features D. All of the above Ans. D
A company can be deleted only in A. Display B. Alter C. Delete D. Create Ans. B
Professionals usually maintain accounts as A. Accounts with inventory B. Normal accounting C. Accounts only D. Payroll accounting Ans. C
Employee salary details are shown in A. Payroll B. Exact reports C. Gratuity papers D. Attendance sheet Ans. A
The voucher type for recording goods received A. Rejection in B. Receipt note C. Purchase order D. Stock voucher Ans. B
An account that the user need not create is A. Balance sheet B. Cash in hand C. Sundry creditors D. Cash at bank Ans. B
Reserve group accounts in tally is A. 15 B. 30 C. 18 D. 28 Ans. D
Changes in accounts are possible only in A. multiple mode B. Single mode C. Alteration mode D. Display mode Ans. C
The option ?statutory compliance for? is appearing in A. Company creation screen B. vat classification screen C. F11 accounting features D. Account creation screen Ans. A
Full form of ODBC A. Open data base connectivity B. Open data base calculating C. Open document basically D. Order data base connection Ans. A
The home screen of tally is also known as A. Menu bar B. Gate way of tally C. Accounts info D. Button tool bar Ans. B
ERP stands for A. Enterprise resource planning B. Economic resource planning C. Efficient resource planning D. Economic resource processing Ans. A
Sales return are recorded in __________ Voucher A. Sales voucher B. Debit note C. Receipt D. Credit note Ans. D
A trial balance is a ___________________ A. Ledger B. Journal C. Account D. List Ans. D
A ?credit note? is sent by ____________ to A. Seller, buyer B. Buyer, seller C. Customer, seller D. Creditor, seller Ans. A
The rate of trade discount varies with the ____________ purchased A. Total asset B. Current asset C. Quantity D. None of these Ans. C
A ____________ serves the purpose of both journal and ledger accounts A. Journal proper B. Purchase day book C. Cash book D. Any of the above Ans. C
Trial balance is prepared on ___________ basis A. Monthly B. Annually C. Half yearly D. Any of the above Ans. D
?Inventory books? is used to view A. Stock Items B. Group Summary C. Both A and B above D. None of these Ans. C
Which of the following is compulsory to create while entry in Accounts with Inventory A. Stock Groups B. Stock Items C. Units of Measure D. All of these Ans. D
Which file in tally is used to record the import activity A. Tally dat B. Tally ini C. Tally imp D. None of the above Ans. B
Which of the following is the predefined stock category in tally A. Primary B. Symbol C. Stock D. Main location Ans. A
How many types of users are present in tally A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4 Ans. C
Which of the following shows daily balance for a selected voucher type A. Daybook B. Trial Balance C. Balance Sheet D. None of the above Ans. A
Which of the following can be budgeted in tally A. Net Transactions B. Closing Balance C. A and B D. none Ans. C
What is the advantage of a computer-based transaction processing system A. Does not require as stringent a set of internal controls B. Will produce a more accurate set of financial statements C. Eliminates the need to reconcile control accounts and subsidiary ledgers D. Will be more efficient at producing financial statements Ans. D
Which of the following file is usually used as a master file A. Inventory subsidiary B. Cash disbursements C. Cash receipts D. Payroll transactions Ans. A
How can data be imported in tally A. Depends on number of companies B. Other programs - a spreadsheet or a database file C. One company to another company created within Tally Package D. Both B and C Ans. D
Which of the following user type can view audit list A. Administrator B. Data Entry C. Owner D. Tally Vault Ans. A
Which of the following is used for voucher entry A. Ledger Account B. Groups C. Sub-Groups D. Depends on number of companies Ans. A
What is the predefined number of groups in tally A. 16 B. 18 C. 28 D. 128 Ans. B
How to activate the tally audit feature in a company A. During the creation of a company B. In -comp info -> security control-option C. Press F12 key D. Press F11 key Ans. A
_____________ gives the balance for each day for the voucher type has been selected A. Trial Balance B. Daybook C. Balance Sheet D. None of the above Ans. B
In tally you get currency symbol option from _______ menu
A. Company creation B. Stock items units C. Regional setting D. None of the above Ans. A
A Group Company is ....................given to the merged accounts of member
companies of the group
A. A name B. An identity C. A and B D. None of the above Ans. C
Default ledger accounts in tally are A. Balance sheet & profit & loss profit & loss and trial balance B. Profit & loss and trial balance C. Cash and profit & loss D. Cash and bank Ans. C
The Profit & Loss statement can be displayed in ...................format(s). A. Horizontal B. Vertical C. A or B D. None of the above Ans. C
The Profit & Loss statement can be displayed in ...................format(s). A. Horizontal B. Vertical C. A or B D. None of the above Ans. C
Find out which is not a Default Ledger in Tally A. Cash in Hand B. Capital Account C. Profit & Loss D. None of these Ans. D
Recording of actual stock as physically verified or counted is done through
A. Journal B. Stock Journal C. Physical Stock D. Sales Ans. C
Transfer of materials from one godown to another godown, use A. Manufacturing Journal B. Stock Journal C. Purchase Journal D. Both A & B Ans. B
Transfer of materials from one godown to another godown, use A. Manufacturing Journal B. Stock Journal C. Purchase Journal D. Both A & B Ans. B
If we purchase any fixed asset in credit, we can pass it from A. Payment B. Receipt C. Contra D. Journal Ans. D
"Alias" represents A. Short name B. Nick name C. Code name D. All of these Ans. D
BOM represents A. Billing of Machines B. Bill of Materials C. Bill of Maintenance D. None of these Ans. B
To get Payroll Reports choose A. Gateway of Tally > Display B. Gateway of Tally > Display > Statement of Accounts C. Gateway of Tally > Display > Statement of Payroll D. Gateway of Tally > Display > Payroll Reports Ans. D
ETCS means A. Enable Tax Collected at Source B. Electric Tax Collected at Source C. Electronic Tax Collected at Source D. None of these Ans. C
ETCS means A. Enable Tax Collected at Source B. Electric Tax Collected at Source C. Electronic Tax Collected at Source D. None of these Ans. C
Which voucher type is used to transfer amount from one bank to another A. Contra B. Payment C. Receipt D. Post-Dated Ans. A
Rs.20,000 withdrawn from State Bank. In which voucher type this transaction will be recorded A. Payment B. Receipt C. Contra D. Post-Dated Ans. C
Rs.20,000 withdrawn from State Bank. In which voucher type this transaction will be recorded A. Payment B. Receipt C. Contra D. Post-Dated Ans. C
Where do we record transactions of salary, rent or interest paid A. Contra B. Journal C. Receipt D. Payment Ans. D
Where do we record interest received, commission received or rent received in Tally A. Contra B. Payment C. Receipt D. Journal Ans. C
Where do we record interest received, commission received or rent received in Tally A. Contra B. Payment C. Receipt D. Journal Ans. C
Where do we record sales of personal use goods in Tally A. Contra B. Receipt C. Payment D. Journal Ans. B
Where do we record credit purchase of furniture for Personal use in Tally
A. Contra B. Receipt C. Payment D. Purchase Ans. C
In which voucher we can maintain all types of transaction A. Sales B. Purchase C. Journal D. Receipt Ans. C
Where do we record purchase return, sales return, depreciation, bad debts Tally A. Journal B. Payment C. Receipt D. Contra Ans. A
Which of the following equation is true for balance sheet A. Assets = Liabilities +Capital B. Capital = Assets ? Liabilities C. Liabilities = Assets ? Capital D. All of these Ans. D
How many options related to Company Features are there in F11: Features in Tally A. 3 B. 2 C. 6 D. 4 Ans. A
Which unit is created for stock items like grain, pulse, sugar, oil, ghee etc. A. Lts B. Nos C. Kgs D. Box Ans. C
Which option is used to view Trial Balance from Gateway of Tally A. Gateway of Tally? Reports ? Trial Balance B. Gateway of Tally? Trial Balance C. Gateway of Tally? Reports ? Display ? Trial Balance D. None of these Ans. C
Which option is true for viewing Profit & Loss A/C in Gateway of Tally A. Gateway of Tally? Reports ? Profit & Loss A/C B. Gateway of Tally? Display ? Profit & Loss A/C C. Gateway of Tally? Account Books ? Profit & Loss A/C D. None of these Ans. A
By default, which mode is on in Purchase and Sales voucher A. Norma Mode B. Particulars Mode C. Item Invoice Mode D. None of these Ans. C
By default, which mode is on in Purchase and Sales voucher A. Norma Mode B. Particulars Mode C. Item Invoice Mode D. None of these Ans. C
Which step is followed to view Purchase Register A. Gateway of Tally? Display ? Account Books ? Purchase Register B. Gateway of Tally? Account Books ? Sales Register C. Gateway of Tally? Display ? Sales Register D. None of these Ans. A
Which of the following is not compulsory to create while entry in Accounts with Inventory
A. Stock Items B. Stock Categories C. Units of Measure D. Stock Groups Ans. B
Which reports are prepared monthly in Tally A. Profit & Loss A/C B. Cash Flow of Funds Flow C. Balance Sheet D. Trial Balance Ans. D
By which option Purchase or Sales register can be viewed A. Display B. Accounts Books C. Statutory Books D. Inventory Books Ans. D
Which option is used to view Stock Items or Group Summary A. Accounts Books B. Inventory Books C. Statutory Books D. Display Ans. B
We can change the Company Information from A. A Company Info > Back up B. Company Info > Alter C. Company Info > Split Company Data D. None of these Ans. B
Company Restore option is available in A. Configuration B. Company Feature C. Company Information D. None of these Ans. C
We can modify an existing Company from A. Gateway of Tally > Modify Company B. Company Info > Alter Company C. Company Info > Alter D. None of these Ans. C
Party account can be created through
A. Inventory creation window B. Group creation window C. Ledger creation window D. None of above Ans. C
What is the utility of Tally Vault Password A. It will not show the Company Name in the Company Select List B. It will lock all voucher entries for that Company C. It will lock the period of Company D. None of these Ans. A
We can show Bill wise details of Debtors and Creditors by activating A. Bill by bill B. Maintain References C. Maintain Bill wise Details D. None of these Ans. C
How many inbuilt Accounts group are in tally by default A. 29 B. 30 C. 31 D. 32 Ans. C
Suspense Account Group is defined under A. Income B. Expenditure C. Liabilities D. Assets Ans. C
Manufacturing Journal creates based on A. Journal B. Receipt Note C. Stock Journal D. Purchase Quotation Ans. C
To create Manufacturing Journal which option must be activated A. Use Common Narration B. Prefilled with Zero C. Narrations for each entry D. Use as manufacturing Journal Ans. D
How many types of Measurement Units we can create in Tally A. Unlimited B. 2 C. 4 D. 3 Ans. B
How many voucher types area readily available in Tally A. 18 B. 16 C. 20 D. 28 Ans. A
Which option is used to make changes in created Groups of Ledgers in Tally A. Change B. Alter C. Display D. Create Ans. B
Which ledger is created by Tally automatically as soon as we create a new company A. Capital A/c B. Profit & Loss A/c C. Cash D. B and C both Ans. D
Which option is used to view list of Primary and Secondary groups in Tally A. List of Accounts B. List C. Accounts D. None of these Ans. A
How many secondary groups are there in Tally A. 15 B. 2 C. 13 D. 28 Ans. C
How many primary groups are there in Tally A. 19 B. 28 C. 20 D. 15 Ans. D
How many groups are pre-defined in Tally A. 28 B. 30 C. 19 D. 15 Ans. A
Salary Paid Account comes under which head A. Indirect Incomes B. Direct Expenses C. Indirect Expenses D. Direct Incomes Ans. C
Which submenu is used for voucher entry in Tally A. Accounts Info B. Account Vouchers C. Vouchers D. None of these Ans. B
Which submenu is used to create new ledgers, groups and voucher types in Tally A. Accounting Vouchers B. Inventory Vouchers C. Inventory Info D. Account Info Ans. D
Which menu is used to create new ledgers, groups and voucher types in Tally A. Reports B. Import C. Transactions D. Masters Ans. D
Which menu is used to create new ledgers, groups and voucher types in Tally A. Reports B. Import C. Transactions D. Masters Ans. D
Which option is used in Tally to close opened Company A. Alter B. Shut Company C. Create Company D. Select Company Ans. B
Which option is used to open company created in Tally A. Create Company B. Alter C. Select Company D. Shut Company Ans. C
Copy Data A. Backup B. Restore C. Split Company Data D. None of these Ans. B
Copy Data A. Backup B. Restore C. Split Company Data D. None of these Ans. B
Which option is used to copy company?s data into pen drive or CD A. Backup B. Restore C. Split Company Data D. Copy Data Ans. A
Which option is selected from Company Info Menu to divide company data into two
financial years
A. Change Tally Vault B. Alter C. Split Company Data D. New Company Ans. C
Which option from Company Info. menu is selected to create a new Company in Tally A. Company Create B. Create Company C. Create D. New Company Ans. B
Which option is used in Tally to make changes in created company A. Select Company B. Shut Company C. Alter D. Backup Ans. C
Which menu appears after starting Tally for the first time
A. Gateway of Tally B. Company Info C. Display D. Account info Ans. B
What was the First Supercomputer of India? A. PARAM 8000 B. PARAM 10000 C. CRAY D. None of the Above Ans. A
What was the First Supercomputer?
A. PARAM B. CRAY C. Summit D. None of the Above Ans. B
What was the First Supercomputer?
A. PARAM B. CRAY C. Summit D. None of the Above Ans. B
CU stands for..............
A. Computer Unit B. Control Universal C. Control Unit D. None of the Above Ans. C
MU stands for...... A. Memory Unit B. Memory Universal C. Both A and B D. None of the Above Ans. A
CPU stands for ....................?
A. Central Public Unit B. Central Processing Unit C. Computer Processing Unit D. Computer Process Universe Ans. B
ENIAC Stands for A. Electronic Numerical Integrator And Computer B. Electronic Numerical Integrator And Calculator C. Electronic Numerical Integrator Automatic Computer D. None of the Above Ans. A
What was the First Electronic Computer? A. EDVAC B. EDSAC C. ENIAC D. None of the Above Ans. C
GIGO Stands for ...............................
A. Go Input Go Output B. Garbage In Garbage Out C. Both A and B D. None Ans. B
The Word "Computer" derives from the ....................word compute? A. English B. Latin C. American D. None Ans. B
Who is known as the father of Internet?
A. Tim Berners-Lee B. Charles Babbage C. Alan Turing D. Vint Cert Ans. D
Who is known as the father of supercomputer?
A. Tim Berners-Lee B. Charles Babbage C. Alan Turing D. Seymour Cray Ans. D
Who is known as the father of computer science? A. Alan Emtage B. Tim Berners-Lee C. Alan Turing D. Vint Cert Ans. C
Who is known as the father of computer? A. Tim Berners-Lee B. Charles Babbage C. Vint Cert D. Ken Thompson Ans. B